
So the Brotherhood goes around indiscriminately slaughtering smallfolk now?

What a complete and utter waste of Ian MacShane

WTF is Sam thinking. How does possibly end well for him, Gilly, l baby Sam? Plus he can't exactly go to the Citadel anymore.

It's so freaking hard not talking about it. Can't wait till next week.

My god the way Rabarra read that "I got your number line" so good.

Also the reveal was just so perfunctory. They showed it and everyone just seemed to move on after a minimum of questioning.

In its heyday the shipbuilders in Essex Mass. could produce 50 schooners in a year. That's with 15 shipyards operating constantly.

So appprently the Iron Islands now have both forests and flax farms enough to build a massive fleet of ships. Why exactly do they need to constantly raid the main land again?

538 recently a breakdown of IMDb ratings of various shows. It did show that men tend to be more negative about shows geared towards women than women are towards shows intended for men. For example Sex and the City has a 7.0 rating. The average English language site had a 7.2. Given the number of awards Sex and

Lincoln 's death may have lacked the emotional punch of other characters but the last moment between him and Hive was really well done. The peaceful resignation they had to what was coming was really touching.

Martin has stated that in the books she is not fireproof. The dragons hatching was a one off magical moment

Season premiere: No man would dare lie with a Khal's widow.

So are the Dothraki filling their braziers with napalm for some reason?

Wow they brought Osha back just to give Ramsey a handjob and to get stabbed in the neck.

I'm sorry for failing you and and six billion over beings on this planet that I care significantly less about.

Ramsay (or at least the writer's fascination with him) is the worst thing to happen to the show. He's such an uninteresting character. Outside the sadism there just isn't anything to him. The amount of time they spend reminding us how evil he is a waste if screen time. There's a reason that Martin has never used

AoS and POI fill two very different needs for me. POI by far the superior show but that doesn't make AoS bad TV. I watch AoS for the same reason I watched the first two Stargate series. They're never gonna win any awards but it's usually a solid hour of sci-fi action.

I got no small amount of thrill from the PS3 supercomputer (a real thing by the way) , the nerd cred on this show is for real.

So those two random SHEILD agents that got names this week are pretty screwed, right?

Melting snow requires a human sacrifice but resurrection just needs a sponge bath and a haircut.