
So. A magical shave and a haircut is all it takes to resurrect someone? I imagine there are gonna be a lot of pissed off people in Westeros if this news gets out.

So either Trystan was on the same boat as Mycella and Sand Snakes managed to teleport onto it (they waved goodbye from the dock), he took a his own boat later and the show didn't think to mention this or the Sand Snakes followed in their own boat and the show didn't think to mention this.

Actually she's the woman in the bathtub from The Shining

Just when you think Dorne couldn't get any worse. I am speechless at just how much they butchered the characters of Ellaria and the Sand Snakes.

Steven Bomb 3.0 in July. They are trying to kill us all.

Nope. Although I need the occasional light episode in order to recover from all the other ones.

Vengeance rarely makes sense but the fact is D& D turned a character that said this

That was just a poorly written episode. Meereen hinges on Dany and her inner circle all being idiots ( no one thought to search the crowd as the entered) and ended in a deus ex machina.

Especially since she's never really been shown to care about her daughter up to that point.

So they have a big event out in the open while the Sons of the Harpy have been ambushing people all over the city. Nobody thinks "Why don't we put Unsullied at all of the entrances and search people as the come in". A whole bunch of supposedly intelligent characters are there and no one thought of this. I guess

Got to hand it to the show, they got me to care more about Krystal in her 10 minutes or so of screen time than other shows get me care about characters in entire seasons.

This is my new standard for what an action movie can be. It was intense and chaotic without ever being bewildering. As bizarre as the characters may have been I could still understand them and their motivations. In most movies the Wives would have been merely MacGuffins but here you actually get some sense of the

Roswell is easily my favorite episode. If for no other reason that it spawned this exchange in "The Why of Fry"

Humor in an otherwise serious story does two things. First it helps break up the tension, letting the audience breath a bit between hits. Second it humanizes the characters, makes then easier to connect with. The Avengers joke around and it shows that they actually like each other. Do when things fall apart it

We still need She-Hulk, Red Hulk, Red She-Hulk, A-bomb, Skar, Doc Samson… that's all the the gamma powered people I can think of at the moment.

Such sc great episode. The moment between Finch and the Machine at the end really got to me. It was a man talking to a computer screen and yet or stool managed to be completely engrossing.

Yeah the Grodd effects were about as good as could be expected. They got a little iffy during some of the action shots but could have been much, much, worse.

Wow a B is incredibly generous. That was garbled mess. These guys need to follow the formula of SHIELD"s vastly superior season 2. Do 2 smaller arcs. These writers can't string together a full season of story.

Garnet is the best and that was a really good message to put out there. You see a lot of unhealthy depictions of love get held up in entertainment (coughcoughTwilightcough). Love isn't something that falls into your lap, it's something that people have to build together.

When May told Simmons to tap into Mike's feed I grew concerned that I could see where this was going. They . would see something out of context and jump to conclusions. Up until the very last scene it sprayed as if this was going to happen. I was so relieved when Colson on turned himself in. The whole tragic