
So Bruce is horrified that Selena killed that guy until he realizes he needs a date to go to the charity ball. I'll watch the last 2 episodes out of morbid curiosity but definitely not coming back if there's a season 2.

He asked everything I've been wondering since Flash started. I mean how do you even open the Mist's and the teleporting woman's cells?

May's story was a little heavy handed but this may be appropriate given the buildup its had over the series. What was about happen clicked for me right as the scene of her killing the girl started so it did have a pretty heavy emotional whollop. Ming-Na Wen continues to be a series standout.

I really enjoyed the way built up Fisk and then released the tension a bit. It really helps to make things to come land even more heavily.

Superpowers aside, you have to appreciate the level of realism that goes into the fights themselves. Fairly early on in the the fight all the Russians are down on the ground and in most shows it would be over at that. Here they actually get up again. There is none of that every single bad guy goes down in a single

Either the Machine really wanted to smash a Fabergé egg or just wanted Root to get the case itself.

I was getting an A-Team vibe off Archer at the end. They do already have access to a kickass van.

Honestly I don't think any of the other chrscters care enough for there ever to be a resolution.

I'm fairly certain that this episode was written while the writers had Tumblr open. Pearl's freakout pretty much mirrored a large part of the fandoms reaction when the crossover was announced.

Its hard to image Oliver walking this back. I'm starting to think the season finale of Flash might spawn a alternate timeline.

When Gonzalez called Mack cheif I got hit by the BSG nostalgia hard. That was very good episode. Action, super powers, exploration of character motivations. It really did seem to have it all.

Wow that was a fun hour of television. Hammil is great as always when he's allowed to lean into innate haminess of the genre. That "that was unsanitary" line when Barry inoculated every was great. Also that sizzle reel for the last part of the season has got me really excited.

It's a reference to the Price song Purple Rain.

I can clearly remember them from high school. That was the early 2000's

Well they managed to slip probably the most tragic thing Steven has ever said "I think they blame me for her being gone". I really hope this get addressed further in the future.