
That episode was 90% bad. The Arya/Sansa fight continues to be pointless filler to fill time until they inevitability kill Littlefinger. In mean time all it is managing to do is make me hate Arya.

So they've given up any sort of pretense of trying to maintain any sort of consistent pacing haven't they.

Why was the Dragonstone completely abandoned? It's one of the most strategically important places in the Seven Kingdoms.

That was a masterful curve ball. It falls in line with what we already knew and just recontextualized everything that came before. Easily up there with early Lost and the Sixth Sense in terms of execution.

The Shocking Death is the most annoying trend modern television storytelling. It's was novel in season one but since then it has infected far too much television beyond the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. It just turned into this cheap way of getting an emotional response from your audience when they've grown

Nephrite is type if Jade so color wise it is a possibility.

Spoilers Spoilers

I liked that Rose had no parenting instincts. It make sense sine Gems don't really procreate in E traditional sense.

That was intense. I'm still tearing up a but thinking about Centapeedle. Hopefully she's happier for now. I really want them to revisit this down the road and I'm that a kiss wasn'tt enough to make this better. Trauma like that takes a lot of effort to work through.

Jane actually first appeared in Lion 2: The Movie. I love the show's continuity.

No trip to boardwalk is complete without a bucket of Thrasher's fries.

Every enemy she had was killed at her trial, which she neglected to show up for. Even a begger in Flea Bottom would figure out she is the prime suspect.

So Cersi blows up the most holy building in the Seven Kingdoms wiping out the church hierarchy and a good number of nobles. Somehow this makes her Queen. At the very least people should be rioting in the streets.

That was a series of unearned moments. Arya going full Sweeny Todd so quickly, Tyrion becoming Hand after screwing up at every turn in Meereen, Littlefinger hamfistedly sowing the seeds of distrust between Sansa and Jon and the North declaring Jon king even though Sansa was much more instrumental in winning the

Hey look the one thing nobody wanted. More Dorne. Dorne where you murder the entire ruling family and they give you their lordship in return for some reason.

Ramsay as eaten alive by dogs. Weren't aiming for shocking what were that going for?

Because its a very specific tactic that worked for the Romans because they were one of the most diciplined armys in history. The Unsullied could probably do it. Some random Northern House, not so much

The Boltons are Romans now. Which is weird.

Honestly I've stopped caring about who lives and dies at this point. The show has relied so much on the "Shocking Death" to drive viewer engagement that it's more or less meaningless at this point. It's just ask so predictable. Rickon, Wun Wun ,Ramsey with his dogs. They were disgusting for sure but the shock just

Hey Jamie the whole you being in love with your sister is supposed to be a secret.