
Yet another useless review by Ignoramus.

"Inferno" is a great book and will be a great movie. Some of us don't want a zombie, vampire or Seth Rogen movie.

Detectives still unable to deduce why Season 1 killed off entire audience and why AV Club continues to pretend otherwise.

We need to see more of Salma Hayek, and more, and more, and more.

Hot Flashes 101, Knicks 99.

One of the most famous faces on TV and a woman (his producer) are having a loud confrontation in a bar …. but not a single customer notices or turns to watch him or snaps a picture with a smartphone. Yeah, good old Will McAvoy, just like Brian Williams, he blends right into the woodwork.

Anybody who thought Kristen Wiig's "Secret Password" character was unbelievable (repeating the secret clue word repeatedly) should have watched THIS show. (For example, when you're trying to get a contestant to say "Cookie Monster," it's probably not a good idea for your clue to be "Cookie.")

San Francisco jet crash movie should go into production by, oh, maybe next Monday.

Everybody watches Hannibal for the music. Same way they watch Dexter for the dancing.

Was only a second choice because script was written with Travolta in mind, he being a pilot.

Face/Off, Battlefield Earth, The Punisher …. you have to admit, Travolta's a perfectionist when it comes to his work, choosing only sophisticated, classy projects.

I like the part where Bear eats out of a garbage can.

Gina Gershon, "Showgirls?"

"Fan mail from some flounder?"

The monkey puppet is the only thing everyone I know hates about this show.

Now all this show needs to do is figure a way to bring Dennis Farina back.

Pleasance, one of the most underrated actors ever. Serling, the best TV writer ever. Quite a combination.

"Worst Show in History of Television" criticism still stings. Network insists it's only the worst show of the past 20 years.

After that, maybe Chico and the Man.

They're going with: Butler: Precious by Sapphire.