
You are the pretty stupid thing who wasted 87 seconds of her life making pretty stupid comments.

Dumb? Yes, Lynn definitely is!


So, shhhh, AV Club is going to pretend the original version with Janet Gaynor never happened.

Nancy Faust belongs in Cooperstown. The best ever.

NBC also probably wants Seinfeld to play Captain Hook opposite Brian Williams' daughter for Peter Pan Live 2.

Good one, Mr. Man.

A plot point of "12 Angry Men" was a man's inability to identify the movie he said he saw. For the "12 Angry Men" remake (with Jack Lemmon, James Gandolfini and others), the movie a man saw that he couldn't remember the name of was "Secrets & Lies." Good or not, it was apparently thought of as forgettable.

"Sam Zell, human garden gnome." Perfection.

His brand is crisis.

Suzy Parker, wow, very hot stuff in her day.

Sinatra's acting career pretty impressive. Dean Martin's, too. Many more serious subjects than you'd expect from those two guys.

Millions around the world agree: "Who the hell is Anna Faris?"

Reverse sexual harassment concept was good — until the rest of that movie's plot jumped several sharks. Disclosure was demented.

It's the Citizen Kane of horse-diving films.

Wonder Woman vs. Orange Face, coming this November.

They greenlight the most obnoxious guy, who proceeds to create the most obnoxious movie. If TV had a Razzie award, this show would win it.

Not since Buddy of "Elf" has there been such an overgrown child.

Santa's brand is crisis.

I never miss a Michelle Dockery western.