
Tyson is getting a winner's edit, or at least a Final 3 edit. The only other player who I thought was getting anything close to a winner's edit was Vytas, which I suppose could still play out, but that doesn't look like it's likely to happen. Or maybe Gervase. The rest of 'em, eh. Hayden and Caleb have both been

Have not seen the episode yet, but read the opening paragraph of review and decided that it sounded like a pedestrian enough episode that I could just read about it before actually watching. I see I have very little to look forward to. Sweet. Even before watching, I will cast my vote with the NO DOUBLE TRIBAL camp.

With Dracula in most incarnations, the setup is so, so much better than the later action. I suppose this is an issue with a lot of horror flicks. You see so many botch the ending.

If this show didn't have the word "Marvel" at the beginning of it, AV Club would be trashing it. As is, not a single episode has received lower than a B-. I am completely in favor of giving shows a bit of leeway early on, as they work out their kinks, but I am done with the leeway. We probably shouldn't keep

It's unfortunate that the only place I can see breasts are on this mediocre television show.

Big Red No.

'Live at the Old Quarter' is his best album, studio or otherwise. It gives you a little bit of everything.

While I appreciate that Steve Earle loves Townes, it's silly to try to argue that one was better than the other. They both wrote completely different kinds of songs, and that's not even getting into the fact that Dylan's songwriting style has changed approximately a billion different times over the course of the

I thought that was the ONLY time to listen to Townes.

We all have flaws and I am glad you feel open enough to admit yours in public. That being said, you are a horrible person. Sorry.

I always feel like the books are staring at me angrily when I browse DVDs at the library.

I love it when stores go out of business. The local music store died when I was a sophomore in college. And thus, I was able to spend my hard earned student loans on building a massive music library at a steep discount, while my roommate illegally downloaded his albums and spent his hard earned student loans on

The eerie thing is when those three people are all the same person.

The Lost World.

Please don't summon that meme. We killed it. It died. If it resurfaces, then that might bring other dead memes back, and we can't have that.

The show just doesn't know what to do with itself. That first season was so great that once they dealt with the fallout of it through season two, it feels like it became a, "Oh God, we have to make MORE episodes now?" kind of thing.

Your $10 isn't cool. You know what's cool? The $50 million this movie is going to make its opening weekend.

Compared to every other commercial I'm likely to see in a given night, those commercials are great.

Somebody already told me I was wrong and I got one downvote. I hate my life.

OK, this is just silliness. Neither Nickelback, nor Creed, could have created a movie as competently average as Episode I. I'm not saying that Episode I was good. It wasn't. But it's also not the worst movie of all time. The only reason that it's the punchline for a billion jokes is that it contains the words