
Latest Blog Entry Fails To Impress
The latest effort by AV Clubber Nathan Rabin (or "Nabin" as some of his less clueful fans call him) fails to meet even the lowly standards that past attempts have set. What exactly is meant by the line, "this movie fucked my skull with sheer awfulness?" Is that supposed to be witty,

Come for the shitty movies…
Stay for the faux-suede.

I just watched one of those "Reel Comedy" things about this movie, and as usual, it was funnier than any of the clips showcased. Oh well.

I have no opinion on the current Rolling Stones, but Sticky Fingers, Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, and all that shit? Gold.

More like "Sour Rapes"
I caught the last hour of this movie on TV, and thought it was really funny. Although, I have based my life on Larry David's teachings, so maybe I'm biased.

More like "Distinktive"
I've never seen the show—does it really have a "distinctive visual style?" I always get curious when I read things like that about TV Shows. To Wikipedia!

No love?
I guess I'll be the first(ies) to say that I happen to like South Park, even if I don't keep up with it like I used to when I was in middle/high school.

Haha, I was going to do that exact same thing. Seriously, questionable morals aside (I see MBI's point), this is one of the greatest scifi movies of the 50s. Hey, AV Club, how about an inventory involving 50s scifi? Maybe…17 50s Scifi Movies They'll Never Remake or something. Good luck finding them.

Mr. Perfect is dead too. What a depressing sport/entertainment.

More like Sinagogue
That's what I would say.

Oy vey
Can someone explain to me the OY name-dropping thing? Is it from the Ron Jeremy thread of something else? Thanky. Oh, and yeah, Amelie, old people are funny. Right.

I first read "Ethan Hawke novel" as "Ethan Hunt novel" in the blurb for this review. I'm pretty sure this marks the first time I've been both relieved and disappointed at the same time.

Knowin' Wilson
If you guys haven't had your self-righteous "celebrities are people too!" bullshit for today, go on down to Owen Wilson's IMDb page. It's weird to think about, but apparently those people that star in films and TV shows are actual human beings. Eerie.

I'm bitcher than you, boss!
Hey, at least they're not remaking Giant.

When are they going to bring back
Battledome? That was the shit.

Thumbs down, Disney.
Why the hell does Disney give a fuck what Ebert says? Isn't Disney doing okay? Do they need the money or something?

Uncle Miltie
I always think that story about Milton Berle getting a 30-year contract because TV executives didn't know what the shelf-life for someone huge like him would be is so…poignant. You couldn't write something like that, could you, Sorkin??

"Stench-crazed Captain Queeg"
JH, you are a genius.

Deja Moonman
Wait a second…that flaming hunk of solidified bile at the pit of my stomach…that feels familiar. Where have I felt this before? Oh yeah, the Rape Baby Hater article a few months back. How long until this thread gets to the 7 hundred whatever comments that that one got? I feel like I've been fisted in the

"It's a little….high."
Please, Nathan, for the love of god, do Sour Grapes. Also, Daredevil. Colin Farrell kills and old lady with an airplane peanut. A fucking airplane peanut!