
And yea, he is a Carpenter
Does anyone have any idea how real McCoy John Carpenter's next movie Psychopath is going?

News to Vegas
And, god is dead.

Running Clam
Clam, you do realize this is The Onion, right? Irreverence is probably the only thing binding most of the commenters on here together. Get over yourself.

It's not easy being white
also, it's not easy being brown.

There's a noir called Narrow Margin that I suppose would qualify as a classic that pretty much has that plot, only they're on a train. It's a pretty good movie, and it's part of the second volume of Warner's Film Noir Classics series. Check it out.

Man, more ZMF than ever before on this here comment thread. It may be too much for some to handle. I'll admit is is a lot.

Loved him
on Iron Chef.

Thank you Congress, for taking care of a problem that has been plaguing this country for decades: music. Fuck those guys who are being killed and maimed in a war based on lies, 50 Cent uses the b-word! Regularly!

The Day The Clown Cried
Hey, yeah. Jerry Lewis has an unreleased film! We in the illiterate movie-buff community cannot stand for this! Get him!

What a Moreau-n
I've been avoiding this movie for a long while despite the fact it has two things that should draw me to it: old, crazy Marlon (something I'm woefully unfamiliar with, unless Apocalypse Now counts. I guess it does.), and John Frankenheimer. Seconds is a fucking masterpiece, Nabin you should do

Hey terrorists…
I just had a great idea. Fly a fucking airplane right into Diddy's next White Party. I swear to god, we won't even attack Iran for it. Diddy is our generation's some asshole that's already been forgotten.

More Lobsters please!
Hey, the Stones could be better than Led Zeppelin, obviously. But Aerosmith? Jesus Lob, this is one for the time capsule.

Dungeons and Stank Bitches
Is it weird the first thing I thought of after reading about that was Stephen Colbert?

Wow, awesome
I'd never heard any Arcade Fire, but that video may've just made a fan out of me. However, might I suggest you also include a clip of the Ecstacy of Gold sequence from GBU? It's my favorite Morricone sequence in any movie, with the final shootout in West being a close second. Awesome blog!

Chews are responsible for all the world's wars
Has anyone seen the TV commercials for these? They're pretty cool. Question: do I really look cool when I chew gum, or is it my imagination? I mean, Rod Sterling looks cool chewing gum in In The Heat of the Night, so I must too, right? Right!?

Anyone who thinks they don't like westerns would be well-served to go pick up a few of the movies on this list. I haven't seen all of them, but Once Upon A Time In The West, High Noon, The Wild Bunch, Unforgiven? These are masterpieces. I do have another suggestion, though: John Ford's Fort Apache. Henry

I'm sorry?

I'm somehow the first to mention this
Remember when Andy Dick was on Arrested Development? That was kinda funny.

The real question is…
has the director of any of these movies ever actually used the phrase "Lights! Camera! Elvis!" in directing?

Big Bowl of Jeff
Did anyone catch his "big bowl of" comment? If only he'd referred to himself as a "pretty girl," this interview would be a complete set.