
Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Get a new daddy get a new daddy
In a couple a moths..shit

Black Box Name
That was me who asked if there was any BILLY Porkpie in the box. Made-up name, but someone should get on it.

Larry The Fatass Guy
It goes straight to his fat ass, chickenboo! I went there, motherfuckers.

Ticketmaster blows
I go to very few live concerts, so maybe this is a stupid question: why does Ticketmaster exist? I mean, it's practically compulsory if you want to go to a concert. Why can't people buy tickets from the venue or something? The whole system is fucked from what I can tell.

Horrible idea
I'd only see it if they showed what would realistically happen to a person like Ferris after high school. I'll let others speculate as to what that would entail. Hint: he's not so cute anymore.

Thank you so much for posting this.
The constant grade complaining is petty and annoying. I posted a complaint about it on Love For Sale, but to my knowledge did not get a reply. Maybe I should've posted it on a more high-traffic review.

Readin' Shotgun
I guess reading this 87th Precinct series out of order is okay, right?