Nathan Adams

I had high hopes for this show on the heels of 'The Americans' but could not stick with it past the first four or five episodes. I have an issue with the serial killer trope (in 2013?) and the scene in Juarez where some guy gets shot point-blank in the head, on a crowded street, for no reason that anything to do with

I was going to watch anyway for the same reason, but the prospect of an artistically successful series on Showtime is a little farfetched.

@avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus He's our son of a bitch.

Wasn't it on this site that Chloe Sevigny said the previous season of 'Big Love' really sucked while the show was still on the air?

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus  I've been holding out for a scene between Badger and Marie for years.

@avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus The staged photo Hank showed Huell was of Jesse, with Hank's homemade concoction standing in for Jesse's brains. He told Huell that Kubie had gone missing and was probably dead, just to scare him, but didn't offer any evidence. Huell was skeptical until he saw the

As long as Lily Rabe is involved, they can suck on anything.

Oh man, thanks for reminding me to get to the Dexter review to get my weekly hate read on, @avclub-66360d35bab7ad3823b9018686d195f6:disqus.

I'm with you on this @avclub-7624778793b762d4744afae86485c0b8:disqus, of all the crazy shit on this show I have the hardest time suspending my disbelief on the timeline. Even in consecutive episodes I sometimes I have to remind myself, "Oh, this is still the same day as in the last one." It makes me appreciate Mad

@E.Buzz Miller : Initially there was a sense that Megan would reveal herself to be another manipulative climber using Don as an avenue to wealth/power, a la Jane Sterling. An impression the show fostered by a) Bringing her to the forefront abruptly, with no time for the audience to assess her background or motivation;

@Scrawler2:disqus I find Betty's negligence (in early seasons) and manipulation (in later seasons) as a mother to be her most endearing trait as a (fictional) character, as it feels very true to the period. She is a terrible mother by contemporary standards, but it's easy to see where she's coming from in her time –

I thought Jesse clearly indicated he would be willing to talk when he told Hank, "Not to you." But someone else, maybe.

Saul absolutely believed Jesse would pull that trigger. And in that moment he might have.

My initial impression was that the blood on his shoe was meant as an indication that they killed the waitress who appeared to be eavesdropping on the details of their criminal fucking conspiracy. But there was no explicit indication of that, and no one else picked up on it so I guess my imagination is running wild.

If you get a chance, check it out. It's Gilmore Girls redux, but in the best possible way.

January Jones should have been allowed to co-sign this. I'm ambivalent about Skyler White. But Betty Draper was the complex, sympathetic character that initially drew me into 'Mad Men,' with whom I most identified, and aside from her misguided heel turn in season four I have never understood the hostile reaction to

@avclub-77d570f78f6c228ea56fb529a4cd703f:disqus  Initially that was true in seasons three and four, but when she realizes Walt was responsible for Fring's death, she tells Walt straight out she is afraid of him. And proceeds to spend the first half of season five acting accordingly, until he tells her he's out of the

@Slobatich:disqus  … I disagree, I think Hank obtained the copy of 'Leaves of Grass' illegally. Hell, he stole it.

@avclub-ef331994b3a2a109cb06ef07f4e51ec3:disqus  Hank obtained Walt's copy of 'Leaves of Grass' illegally, so it would be off-limits in court unless Hank:

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus  I think you're misreading that scene, too! When Peggy looks at Abe bopping to the music in his headphones, that's when she gets the idea to replace the problematic voiceover in the headphone commercial with outtakes of the actor hamming it up, a la Abe. I don't think