Nathan Adams

Initially Badger was arrested because he sold to an undercover cop. Then, to take some heat off of himself, he agreed to be used as bait to nab Heisenberg as the cops looked on during a bogus deal. Neither is entrapment.

Actually, Walt was protecting himself. Recall that Hank drove to Jesse's house and waylaid Jesse in response to the phone call that diverted him (Hank) from the RV in the junkyard, where he had Jesse and Walt dead to rights. When Jesse is in the hospital, he tells Walt and Saul that he plans to start up his own meth

Aside from a couple of guest vocal turns, 'Let England Shake' was my introduction to P.J. Harvey, and it's probably my favorite album of the last decade.


Sorry, I may be recalling an interview wherein Gilligan cites something his dad told him as "Midwestern wisdom" or something in that vein.

Vince Gilligan seems like a pretty straightforward, down-to-earth Midwesterner, but otherwise, yeah, David Simon and Matt Weiner don't strike me as boss-of-the-year types despite the results.

"Down On the Upside" is still in my iTunes rotation. I'll vouch for "Dusty" and… well, that's about it.

I don't have an opinion on this movie (haven't seen it) or the reviewer (first time reading his work), but this piece certainly does not qualify as a "screed." Bad reviews are not evidence of a personal vendetta. Dude just didn't like it.

On New Year's Eve, the band Train covered "Imagine" in Times Square. Just as John Lennon intended.

@avclub-d324a0cc02881779dcda44a675fdcaaa:disqus  It's on a completely different scale in terms of what constitutes a "hit," but I feel the same way currently about "Stoned and Starving" by Parquet Courts.

@avclub-717729ce391c20ef3e722c3e6ef79a58:disqus  In the same way that Dick "moved on" from his past to build a successful life as Don? I'm not blaming Peggy for giving up the kid, but it is something that will remain just beneath the surface for the rest of her life.

Hey, I will go to the mat both for and with Miss Farrell.

I'd nominate Frederick Douglass alongside Lincoln.

I get why Peggy is angry at Ted, but I don't think I could ever describe a man who decides to stay with his wife and children and make his family work as "selfish."

@avclub-a171d9b078d8fd668b699188db001042:disqus  "…advertising is, by its nature, blatant and blatantly fake."

I don't think it was news to him. He pitched moving to L.A. as a way to jump start the marriage and recapture what they had when they took the kids to California in season four.

Good point about Cooper's motives and how he views Don. But Roger asks Don point blank after the Hershey meeting, "Was all that true?" And Don says yes.

It's kind of her thing.

Fittingly @avclub-25fd70388ecd62891dbc74cdb0f8ae74:disqus and @avclub-1c30de3bd2529a453779f36a04873bd5:disqus's comments may as well be written in steam.

"Would you say I know something about you, Bob?"