Corn Pone

Sam Absams?

Thrones and Bones

Just put your chips slightly beyond easy reach.

The secret ingredient is cigarette butt.

Asking first just shows a lack of confidence.

*renews weed recommendation*

Good to have a clean vagina, no matter what it takes.

I just assumed they were harvesting organs, like in that Tourista movie.

I thought this was already decided. Damn I'm late on the news again.

This Obama guy is going places.

He seems like a nice feller.

He's motivated by what motivates us all.

Surprisingly horrific, including the scene where the evil nurse is thrown to her death through a window.

You know, Van Helsing had some entertaining moments, along with one of the worst endings ever.

The remote possibility of getting laid will send young people into dangerous situations.

Paths to exits were indicated by glow-in-the-dark barf.

Only a fool fights in a burning house.

Scientists recently found a way to make alcohol from CO2, solving the global warming and not being drunk enough problems both at the same time.

