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"I just stay home with my kitties," Taylor Swift said categorically.

"My dog is so lazy I play fetch with him using a boomerang."

Yeah, old white men. How did they ever get to be in charge?

A restraining order?

I don't know any Kim Kardashian songs, either.

I guess that's my burden of proof.

Somebody don't know shit about voir dire.

That's what they do, man.

I ain't barely here as it is.

She ain't funny. That I know.
For the Bible tells me so.

I swear I won't be unduly influenced by imagining Taylor Swift naked and doing awesome things to me.

Oh, lovely flower teat, take my pain away!

Man, that's what hooking is for!

Who don't?

Who ain't?

I think Viagra has made women fix themselves up less cause they ain't gotta try as hard.

Mmmmm… Social Security milk.

They are real, Rush, you bastard!