
I want a .gif of Capone's "Woooo" and Van Alden's googly eyes when they steal the truck.

" I get turned on when Krueger does…"

It would at least be semi-useful to the viewer if his handwriting was marginally legible.

That's bullshit, you're a white suburban punk just like me.

So entire articles are now being written about the results of the arcane mechanisms of internal database search results?  Oh AV Club, how you have fallen.

Or just wait until its posted on the website.

Brandon, it has to be Fudge. Because its' allllll about the Fudge.

Her ass is probably only 3 or 4 years old though.

You cannot say that Kate was the least interesting character on a show that had Claire.

He shoulda whipped it out and said "This is a magnificent specimen of pure Jersey Whitesnake, but it ain't too goddamn beuacoup."

Yes, that's the place.

They were basically piled on top of one another in a big heap. Was hilarious.

So, what, they drive around town in their rig with a bag of oranges?

There are multiple great uses of fuck in Repo Man (here are 3 exceptional ones):

35mm can only contain one of Post's honkers so better go with IMAX.

Where is Space Mutiny?

No ordinary salesman, it's Joel!

Indeed, more billowy pants probably.

Martin's complete capitulation about half way through is what stood out to me in that episode. For a kid that age he really was money.

I know it is next week, but the persian night suit scene is such a classic I feel compelled to mention it in anticipation.