
Someone needs to make a 10 hour youtube just of the two cuts of them running down the hall.

That was a genuine KHITBASH. A television rarity.

I'm a recent convert to Rush with this last album (always generally liked the stuff I heard, but didn't seek it out). I went and saw them last night (great show) and then this thing popped up today. With all of these top five lists I decided to get some of the albums, so thanks for the suggestions.

Saw them last night. It is a great show. Enjoy.

Appears both of them since the next sentence says each episode will be different.

There was a lot said in that scene in subtext and they did "work it out" in a fashion. Bill basically told Andy that they both have one daughter left and if Andy goes after Jessica then he would take out ABCD. That's what the handshake was about.

Ya, was pretty douchey. I don't begrudge the guy doing whatever he wants with his money and a good chunk is apparently going to other good causes.

I admire the guy and feel bad about his situation (fuck you cancer!) but there are a multitude of better animal charities than those PETA and Sea Sheppard loons so I wish he would have chosen the targets of his obviously heart-felt donations a bit better.

Something connected to Scientology being untrue? /faints

It's crap.

Despite being a Dune fanatic (I reread the entire series every 4-5 years or so), I skipped all of those because I had read enough KJA to know better.

Kevin J. Anderson is a pox on sci-fi.

That house was totally the house from Fight Club.

Yes, this man has no dick.

I constantly use "I am the damn paterfamilias!" in an effort to win arguments in my house. Never works.

Totally forgot that line in retrospect, but laughed my ass off when he said that. Thanks for the reminder.

Indeed. I'm also not sure anyone could have done the "Stay by the door in case things get weird….er" quite as well as he did.

They really could have done a team-up as he is Billy's official Arch, which is where I expected it to go.

No doubt. I am going to frame by frame a few scenes as you just know there is stuff buried in there in a one second background shot.

Look at the shirts his entourage are wearing. The details of this show are off the charts.