
That would be "The Power Plug"

Fully agree. There were parts of this movie that literally made me giddy. I never feel like that at the movies. First movie I plan to see twice in one weekend since I can't remember when.

See it.

Bienvenidos a la Erf.

I have a soft-spot for Hank's Back Story both because I have a bad back and also suffer from Diminished Gluteal Syndrome  All the stuff with the fake buttocks is just hilarious to me.

Space Mutiny, Puma Man, Final Sacrifice, Jack Frost, Future War, Final Justice




Apropos of nothing, but the Venture Brothers ep "Viva Los Mueros" is an awesome take down of these tropes.\

Considering her kids come from multiple fathers, it is more than one guy. Ruminate on that.

Harris is the MVP of every episode he is in.

They could do Space Mutiny and have the interloper be the woman who was killed showing up in a later scene.   Or Kalgan's skull interloping its way out of his face. Or the space gypsy leotard dancers interloping onto the ship.  Or all of the railings interloping their way into the henchmen paths.

This is really in the thick of the Tet-Offensive, Cronkite We-Can't-Win, McCarthy's "get out" platform, everything is going to shit period. So ya, death sentence for a certain segment of people who, while not hippies marching in the street, though that Vietnam was a crock of shit that was going nowhere. Plus, Don knew

I love how Don just instantly turns into Dick in those situations. It's a combo of Hamm's great acting and the show's hairstylist.

It's the sideburns.

Well, Quizboy won him back.  I guess he gave him to Rusty.

Nah, they retconned Tokyo Drift so we are now back on schedule.

Fair Use has a lot of weird little exceptions and holes where you can hide. I imagine that fell under the "commentary" or "criticism" exceptions which wouldn't apply to some painting in the background of this trainwreck. Could also maybe argue it was a transformational work

They blur out stuff like background paintings because otherwise they would have to pay the artist for the rights to put it on television (wrapping paper probably had some type of proprietary art on it too).  Listening to the Breaking Bad podcast gives a lot of insight into how much work shows have to go through to