
Yes, many gaudy chrome .45's are flashed. In today's environment a lovely pair of hooters (even if she was *cough* 15 at the time) is probably the better choice.

For some reason I have a memory of watching Princess Bride in 9th grade, but it didn't come out until 2 years later. We definitely read the book in that class so maybe I just projected it backwards.

Hussey did have a lovely pair of ampersands.

I doubt it is all that weird.

That was a perfectly crommulent comment.

I watched that movie for the first time my freshman year at Georgetown in a friend's dorm room. At one point there is a pan across and it showed the very building I was sitting in watching the movie. I simply couldn't take it and walked out.

Two dollars on number 7. And have you seen my beloved dog?

Maison Derrier
See my Vest

I will say to my shame that the thought popped into my head during that scene: "Hey, that should be in an open public meeting" since they had a quorum and were discussing substantive matters.

What are your crimes?

They teach ants to sort tiny screws.

He's very tall. It makes him…lankier.

The drummer does not blow up in the concert in Japan. The drummer (Mick Shrimpton) blows up during the last concert in the U.S. after Nigel joins in.  There is then a smash-cut to the concert in Japan with the new drummer Joe "Mama" Besser playing (he later, after the film, wandered off in Japan and is presumed dead

I called both the ricin/stevia and also that the lasers were two people with pointers rather than hit-men. Didn't predict it was Badger/Skinny Pete though which was a nice touch.

It's rather explicit in the conversation they had very early on in the series that they were a couple and basically engaged before Walt dumped her in a huff that Gretchen really didn't understand the basis for.

That's how I read it.

Signed the University of Utah.

Aryan dudes would have destroyed the confessional as it rats out Todd. No way they leave that laying around.


There is a reason that *spoilers?* he is still around for the events of Godfather II in 1958.