
I'm with you on this. First true clunker episode for me of the entire run.

There was an earlier scene where the assassin was very carefully tracking which agents went to the guy's house and when (he wrote it down in his little notebook). The explosive charge had a timer on it to coincide with when he would be in the scientist's house.

The line was "pee-poo-birth hole".

So Homer, due to his tiny brain and thick cranium, can endure endless beatings to the head by hobo boxers to such an extent he is given a title shot with Tatum, but a simple left hook from Ned Flanders knocks him out cold?

Considering how he does this I really wish he would show up to voice The Sovereign. 

He can be two things!

I try to engineer this type of thing regularly.  Wait for a film to be very close to its end run in a theater. Go to a 2:30 afternoon showing on a Tuesday. Almost guaranteed to be a private showing or at maximum two or three other people there.

I was going to mention the same book (Hit & Run). Really fascinating even if it drags a bit towards the end.

Ah, the Luftwaffe, the Washington Generals of the History Channel.

There were going to do that but couldn't figure out a way for there always to be a bay, fjord, or inlet nearby.

Thanks Obama!

Just leaves. It appeared they were making it look like a sexual hook-up gone awry.

Your post is somewhat confusing considering James Brady is still very much alive.

I got a definite vibe of Hitchens from that character.  I'm sure that was intentional.

Buckwheat has been shot. I repeat, Buckwheat has been shot.

Wow, each descriptive paragraph seems to be the pinnacle of crazytown and then it…..just….keeps….going.

Asta la vista, Abey!

I continually bore the shit out of my son while watching Simpsons together with tales of "This is a take off of this one Twilight Zone episode where….."

Wow, is bet=(2X-Y)+1 really too advanced for super genius teenagers?

It was born with a heart full of neutrality.