
Classic Yoda or Sonic the Yoda Hedgehog?

10 bucks says Bud Black Crown and Beck's Sapphire is the same beer.

I was pretty impressed by just the stage craft. You had pyro, movable video, and kinetic on a stage that was assembled piecemeal in a matter of 10 minutes. Irrespective of the performance, that is pretty damn cool.

Meh. I thought it was pretty corny and no one under 70 gives a shit about Paul Harvey. Also,Jeep's cynical bullshit was grating.


/leaving disappointed


One of my favorite Simpson's bits is when they run out of "You will find new love" fortune cookies so they crack open the barrel of "Stick with your wife."

The Death Star is my penis.

I hear he gets results, although his stupid Chief seems unaware.

Follow the shoe not the false gourd!

Still better source material than Twilight.

They will THINK it is a meth lab, but it will turn out to be a Krusty Burger.

Certainly random capitalization.

Wait, we can get O'Neal snark On Demand now?

Fox News: Stupid for stupid people.

"One thing I've noticed about conservatives in general and Fox News in particular is that they seem unable to understand"

Patrick Swayze Christmas!

Your post right after Mr. Programme's makes me smile.