
I believe he is cringing in ecstasy as Frank Booth is a tad bonkers.

That bit and Doc Oc's first reveal in the ER in 2 are a couple of the few true Raimi touches that made it into the series.

Was going to mention the first two. Well done.

Ah. Roger.

Well, he's dead so he isn't going to be. He was just a stiff used to fake another man's death.

They specifically mention that the dead guy had a scar on his ass per the ME report. That's how they knew it wasn't Drew Thompson despite him being identified as such.



Best part (aside from the surly rabbit) is that a character in the comic was named Don-Wan Kihotay who thinks he is a jedi which is hilarious on multiple levels.

Having Milch actually write in the Star Wars universe would be epic.

Satirizing was probably the wrong word choice there. I just think he was well in on the joke of what his writing was unlike many other authors of the same type.  He got a lot of shit for its being misogynistic, too violent, etc. etc., but I think he consciously pushed those buttons as a form of social commentary.

No no no, he has a walkie-talkie. Totally different.

Free movie>bad movie. Go get some corn and watch it semi-ironically as a grindhouse trifle

Ya, but Spillane is satirizing the whole thing. For some reason a lot of people don't seem to get that. That's what makes his pulp especially awesome.

I was exaggerating a bit for effect. I just got tired of the genre (outside of the aforementioned Book of the New Sun stuff, although that is really post-earth sci-fantasy really, and Glen Cook's Black Company stuff). Couldn't get into WoT or Modissett's stuff or anything else that was on my radar in the mid-90s. Most

Never picked it up. Read the first 75 pages of Terry Goodkind's Wizard's First Rule and quit fantasy entirely.

If I have anything to say about it, you are NOT going to get to Lo Pan.

My memory is a bit hazy as its been 20 years since I've seen this, but to my mind one of the better commentaries on pop culture that was somewhat prescient was when they run into the other film crew following a different criminal.  I think they end up beating them up or killing them too.

Ya, was really hoping for an update on when that is going to start back up again.

Ya, was really hoping for an update on when that is going to start back up again.