
1) Having a dog in the bed of a truck is, in fact, highly dangerous for the animal and shouldn't be done. They can get injured easily on stops or accidents or just plain jump out. Heck, you really aren't supposed to let the dog hang it's head out the window unless you want to run the risk of having to pay to repair a

Don't mind if I do!

Don't mind if I do!

Are you somehow unfamiliar with the linear concept of "time"? I know your internet trolldom often borders on Timecube levels of thinking, but I didn't think it had sunk that low.

Are you somehow unfamiliar with the linear concept of "time"? I know your internet trolldom often borders on Timecube levels of thinking, but I didn't think it had sunk that low.

The attempt to establish the moral equivalency between a child eating something fed to them by an adult in a culture that does such things and a rich, American adult torturing their family pet is so idiotic that I'm loathe to even substantively respond. But, I mean, come on.

The attempt to establish the moral equivalency between a child eating something fed to them by an adult in a culture that does such things and a rich, American adult torturing their family pet is so idiotic that I'm loathe to even substantively respond. But, I mean, come on.

B-story worth it for the riff on Clockwork Orange alone.

B-story worth it for the riff on Clockwork Orange alone.

Yet somehow these people are still classier than Bristol Palin.

Yet somehow these people are still classier than Bristol Palin.

Patrick Swayze Christmas

Patrick Swayze Christmas



Glaring omission: Space Mutiny

Glaring omission: Space Mutiny

Was before War of the Colossal Beast so easy to mix them up.

Was before War of the Colossal Beast so easy to mix them up.

Pretty good list. If you could shoehorn in Pod People, Jack Frost and Timechasers it would be epic.