
Pretty good list. If you could shoehorn in Pod People, Jack Frost and Timechasers it would be epic.

Washington Times actually.

Washington Times actually.

Authority=Catholics citing liturgy

Authority=Catholics citing liturgy

His latest Reamde is very accessible. Almost disappointingly so compared to the rest of his work if you are into his stuff.

His latest Reamde is very accessible. Almost disappointingly so compared to the rest of his work if you are into his stuff.

Ya. He was also the scuzzy IRA priest on the 3rd season of Sons of Anarchy.

Ya. He was also the scuzzy IRA priest on the 3rd season of Sons of Anarchy.

This review is bad and McGee should feel bad. Definitely an "A" episode.

This review is bad and McGee should feel bad. Definitely an "A" episode.

I fully expect a tribute band called Death By Dorito to spring up.

I fully expect a tribute band called Death By Dorito to spring up.

For a minute I actually thought he was Ian McNeice who played the Baron in the Sci-Fi miniseries. Similar look and affectation.

If you haven't yet, read Paul's books. They are great reads and if that little tid-bit hit home then the two books will be a treasure trove.  Was for me at least.

Like two suicide notes stuffed into a glitter bra.

No. It wasn't Escalante's horse to begin with, he was only involved because Lonnie brought him in. Marcus was talking Lonnie out of blaming Escalante for being in the situation of owning a broken down horse. He says if Lonnie had done it right Escalante could have used back channels to find out a lot about the horse

That's because it's usually just text scrolling over something vaguely related to the film. In this case they were over actual film material with the main cast. No way Snyder didn't make that sequence.

Both you and juggernaut are not entirely correct. It was a two-stage incident.  The Fx crew improperly created a "dummy" round with a round that had a slug but didn't have the charge (full load of gunpowder), but did have the cap (small ignition used to light the gunpowder). When that was fired, it popped the slug

Some most assuredly did wear teabags. There are plenty of pictures with them hanging off of hats and so forth at the rallies. And the 'teabagger' name was a  self-identification until someone bothered to point out what it meant. After that it became a mocking pejorative, but they inflicted that one on