
I don't get what's uncool about I Wanna Be Black. Like I want someone to explain to me why everyone has a problem with that song. I get that he's being a bit transgressive while doing it but since when is it wrong to poke fun at the ignorance, naivete and racism of bourgie college kids?

This is exactly what I would have said if you had not said it 2 hours earlier. Although the version I have is 9 tracks including a studio version of Surfin' Dead.

Aw, I don't think people are trying to sound cool. Lou's music has always been an acquired taste, even among people who are fans of the music spun off from his. It's comforting to read how others discovered his music, how they stories are similar, how they're different. For everyone though, it seems to have felt like

Discovered the Velvet's in 1987 or 88. Bought a remaindered copy of the 1979 edition of the Rolling Stone Record Guide, read it cover to cover and headed to the library to check out some records. They had the Velvet Underground and Nico, VU and Another View. I was 14. Saw him on the tour for Set the Twilight Reeling.

This is sweet. Incorrigible and unrealistic, but sweet.

He was good at being a jerk and he enjoyed it. It is part of his legacy. I don't think he'd want that forgotten.

Why did you choose to share that here now?

I thought it was called Winter Soldier because he looks so pale.

It's still the best place to begin, Dude.

It's the best place to begin. Also, the Who started out as a singles band.

This will probably be the dumbest thing I read all day and I am going to go read Prison Planet, Huffington Post and Free Republic right after this just to prove a point.

The Rock & Roll Circus performance is what you need.

I have an obligation to comment on this.

The State didn't do anything for me but Stella killed me. Slayed. I died.

We watched it last week with the kids. It was ok but not as good as I had remembered. And I was surprised to hear an F-bomb. They don't leave those in PG movies anymore, do they?

I think I've always confused this one with Time Out of Joint and am only now realizing that I've never read it.

First 70-degree day? Try, the first 55-degree day has nutjobs out in shorts. In March one can see someone in shorts walking side-by-side with someone in a winter coat.

"even though it wasn’t marketed as young adult, a distinction that didn’t exist as such back then."

Maybe it's my familiarity with the setting but I felt like the use of Chicago made it seem scarier, like Gotham could be YOUR city. BWAHAHAHAHA!

I read this while standing on the sidewalk along Canal St where they filmed a scene. So that was cool.