
There was a zine i picked up once. I remember it being on pretty heavy stock, all written by one guy (I think), articles about the Rezillos and maybe the Scientists (or maybe a different Australian post punk band that made me think of them), interview with the songwriter from an Ohio band called Sister Ray (he worked

The first TWO Spy Kids movies might be my favorite Rodriguez movies.

Interview with Rodriguez, Trejo and Vega:

My favorite was "Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask 'Why am I here?'
And a voice says 'Where are you?' 
'Where's here? Wave your hand so I can see you.' 
The nights are getting longer."

Ooga chaka! Ooga chaka!

1. I did read the article. I've read quite a number of her journal entries, open letters, etc.I thought it was clear that she addressed those two for the reasons I suggested.

I must have seen the other "so it goes" without even noticing that I'd seen it. Pretty sure that I and other people have used it before but I've never seen it rise to the level of A Thing. Maybe this is how it begins. So it…never mind.


I think she was calling those two out in particular precisely because one is so powerful in the industry and the other a white man successful in an African-American artform. She is explicitly a fan of hip hop, you know.

So it goes.

She was protesting sexual abuse that the pope was allowing to go on. She may not always be the best communicator when she's passionate about things but she seems to be genuine.

Maybe she thinks that because reporters were contacting her and asking for it. Just a guess. Or maybe I've misinterpreted what she meant by "I wasn’t going to write this letter, but today i’ve been dodging phone calls from various newspapers who wished me to remark upon your having said in Rolling Stone your “Wrecking


You can have them. I was thinking of living people anyway.

Of all the people I've never met Sinead O'Connor may be my favorite.

Would have liked more on Jerry Butler. :(


"Wham! faded almost as quickly as it landed"

Was that an implicit or explicit 10 year ban? Does SNL have a procedure in place for this?

I've never watched the show so I will enter the contest just to spite those who do.