
Some years ago when Madonna had an album coming out she released a bunch of mp3s with file names and metadata that made them look like the tracks from her new album but were just a recording of her asking "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The only time I've ever downloaded any Madonna.

Didn't the Firesign Theatre say that we lost WWII because we supposed to be fighting *against* fascism?

Wait - at the end the I Ching tells him they really won WWII and…oh, I have no idea what it meant. Never mind.

One good thing that came out of the Red Hot Chili Peppers existing: Weird Al's Bedrock Anthem.

It has an outstanding soundtrack too.

After 9/11 he found that he was finally, sadly, *THE* Whitney Brown as all the other Whitney Browns had perished on Flight 93.

I get Thom Yorke and Dick Van Patten confused all the time. I do this by calling them on three way calls and not saying anything so each one thinks the other called him.

Ah, yes. Well, that would mess anybody up.

What about Mamet? Did he go nuts due to 9/11 or was that unrelated?

Why be sad? This is something you can look forward to. Both are really good.

I don't hate the Cubs. I'd say they're my second favorite team.

I love Pops' take on this song. I loved Pops in True Stories. I loved his version of Papa Legba.

I was at a Sox-Royals game probably in the early 2000s. A guy wearing a KC hat was getting shit from folks in the stands as he walked past the section I was in. He stopped and said something like "Aw, come on! Both our teams suck." He didn't get any more crap.

Who's bitter?

I think Ozzie when he was winning came off as an adorable smartass for a while to Chicagoans. Then the wheels came off and we got tired of his shtick. It's hard to say there's much love for him now but maybe we still have mixed emotions.

No. Although I have no ill will whatsoever to any of the teams in the AL Central. None of the teams in the AL Central strike me as obnoxious.

I love thinking of druggy John looking at Julian's drawing and asking, "What's this then son?" Little Julian answering "That's Lucy in the sky with diamonds, daddy." John's eyes widening, pulling the picture closer, studying it, "Oh, maaaaaaaan, wow."

He played at my church. I was hoping for more atheist humor.

Pino Palladino - the Benmont Tench of bass?