
He could be a villain in an Ayn Rand book so that makes the whole movie seem uncomfortably Randian.

"Of course, Johnny’s last show was historic. This one won’t be. [laughs] This one, people will say: 'Ah, there you go. When’s the new guy starting?'"

You can ask him yourself. He's right there with you. Jesus, say hi to the nice young man.

Is ok. My account reloaded today but I won't be looking for my downloads until late Friday night at the soonest.

Recommend me some good gospel comps they have, please.

I've been a member since 2005. It's not as great a deal as it used to be and I've been awfully close to canceling a few times but then they'll have whatever album I'm looking for and they'll have it a few bucks cheaper than Amazon. Since Amazon started its Prime Music service it's become even tougher to justify

If you're like me (and I assume you are - you're cool, right, and that's exactly like me), this doesn't apply to you at all because most of what you've always listened to has been either never popular or no longer very popular when you listen to it. Last couple of years I've become a big George Michael fan. I listen

Arthur is a cartoon character so he can't really be murdered but the sentiment is totally understandable. That's why the mother was unconcerned with her son's statement.

This list is wrong to include Arthur. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. I am a parent. I do hate that show. I am not alone.

Your evidence that punk and disco were always at odds is that John Lydon liked disco? So you've been trolling me this whole time.

There is a sequence where Billy Zane's character is chasing Di Caprio's with a gun while the ship is sinking. I don't think I made that up.

"Near-exclusively" would be uncool but there's plenty of YA literature that I am not ashamed to enjoy.

I avoided Star Trek for years and then someone made me watch the first reboot movie and I figured out that I had seen every episode of the original series and I don't know what to think anymore.

You're only spiting yourself, Daniel Hayes. Winesburg, Ohio is a very good book.

Wise move.

I was distracted by the US release of Gaz Coombes's brilliant new album Matador so I missed this a couple of weeks ago and just got it yesterday. It is great and I would never have dreamed of a better new release from the Sonics.

(I did not like Shawshank. I liked this for its earnest matter-of-factness.)

I heard them on the radio last night talking to some Canadian guy about the music they listen to around the studio and the Canadian fellow was excited that they listened to "easily 40% hip hop" and he was amazed and giddy that they also listened to CCR.

I saw the first two Spy Kids at the theater in my 20s. I bought the first DVD before we had kids. Those two might be my favorite Robert Rodriguez movies.