
What about that time Weezer was on Happy Days?

Charles Rocket died? No one told me.

Charles Rocket died? No one told me.

I wish more companies failed.

I wish more companies failed.

I can't figure out how Fred Willard is one of the funniest people alive but he consistently is.

I can't figure out how Fred Willard is one of the funniest people alive but he consistently is.

No love for sometime AVClub writer Dave Hoffa, King of Metal, and his Dan Lilker book reading? (I wasn't there but assume this happened.)

No love for sometime AVClub writer Dave Hoffa, King of Metal, and his Dan Lilker book reading? (I wasn't there but assume this happened.)

I don't understand how you get the idea I've confused "oeuvre" with "a song." George Clinton's oeuvre = P-Funk. He was the bandleader. When you say that you like George Clinton's musical output you mean that you like Parliament, that you like Funkadelic and that you like Computer Games and the other stuff released

Maybe it seems sloppy to someone who doesn't know what "oeuvre" means or doesn't know that George Clinton was the leader of both those bands. If not one of those, I dunno where you get that.

It's not at all sloppy to include a Funkadelic song within the "ubiquitous oeuvre of George Clinton" since his point was that all the P-Funk stuff was being sampled everywhere at the time.

It's not at all sloppy to include a Funkadelic song within the "ubiquitous oeuvre of George Clinton" since his point was that all the P-Funk stuff was being sampled everywhere at the time.

I listened to Buhloone this morning. It's a good record that I haven't heard for a long time. Is Dead has always been my fave De La. 3 Ft High…I like it and I understand why people love it but it's just not as good.

I listened to Buhloone this morning. It's a good record that I haven't heard for a long time. Is Dead has always been my fave De La. 3 Ft High…I like it and I understand why people love it but it's just not as good.

I'm a Unitarian-Universalist and that's where I went looking for my people too! (There's a little Unitarian church up there)

I will roll up my sleeves and delve a little deeper into this (yes, yes, that's just what you said to mom, I know, I could hear you all last night):

I will roll up my sleeves and delve a little deeper into this (yes, yes, that's just what you said to mom, I know, I could hear you all last night):

No, it is. I just said it was.

No, it is. I just said it was.