
This is very true. The worst track on it is Cowboy Junkies' cover of Ooh Las Vegas and even that's pretty good.

This is very true. The worst track on it is Cowboy Junkies' cover of Ooh Las Vegas and even that's pretty good.

I saw them on that tour when they opened for Oasis. They stole the show. 
Ebbot Lundberg is a hell of a frontman. Dressed like a hobbit, more or less built like one, he stalks out into the audience locking his Rasputin eyes on yours while the band nails the tight swaggering style of prime Who/Stones. Their studio

I saw them on that tour when they opened for Oasis. They stole the show. 
Ebbot Lundberg is a hell of a frontman. Dressed like a hobbit, more or less built like one, he stalks out into the audience locking his Rasputin eyes on yours while the band nails the tight swaggering style of prime Who/Stones. Their studio

"Dam" with Charlton Heston is my fave episode by far. "Thou shalt not..hesitate."

"Dam" with Charlton Heston is my fave episode by far. "Thou shalt not..hesitate."

Not rendering a judgment but my quacksense is tingling.

Not rendering a judgment but my quacksense is tingling.

Glenn Danzig once offered to kick some ass on my behalf, so he always gets a pass from me when I hear these stories.

Glenn Danzig once offered to kick some ass on my behalf, so he always gets a pass from me when I hear these stories.

"Named for, as the Trouser Press Record Guide memorably put it, 'the cry of the Spanish-speaking outfielder,'"

"Named for, as the Trouser Press Record Guide memorably put it, 'the cry of the Spanish-speaking outfielder,'"

I will be sort of happy if the villain in this is Half-Cocked Jack Shaftoe.

I will be sort of happy if the villain in this is Half-Cocked Jack Shaftoe.

It's not their funniest record, but their best is Eat Your Paisley. I do not know why the best album by a comedy band should not be their funniest but it is and there you go.

It's not their funniest record, but their best is Eat Your Paisley. I do not know why the best album by a comedy band should not be their funniest but it is and there you go.



This new one finds other ways to stretch their repertoire - the ELO riff, some glam, some country, some pre-Stooges…hell, even some pre-Sonics style rock & roll, but still feels more like the albums before the B&W Album.

This new one finds other ways to stretch their repertoire - the ELO riff, some glam, some country, some pre-Stooges…hell, even some pre-Sonics style rock & roll, but still feels more like the albums before the B&W Album.