
The Smithsonian Folkways album featuring the two of them is excellent.

The Smithsonian Folkways album featuring the two of them is excellent.

The Warhol bit was maybe the third best thing in the movie. #1 best thing was Josh Brolin. #2 was the Mets.

The Warhol bit was maybe the third best thing in the movie. #1 best thing was Josh Brolin. #2 was the Mets.

I saw this last night and I agree completely with this review. Somehow the little bits of this movie that has no reason to be and I never wanted to see add up to something pretty good. Not great but it well exceeds my Club Paradise standard for watchability.

I saw this last night and I agree completely with this review. Somehow the little bits of this movie that has no reason to be and I never wanted to see add up to something pretty good. Not great but it well exceeds my Club Paradise standard for watchability.

He's hardly the comic relief in this. It's better said that he's the philosophical relief.

He's hardly the comic relief in this. It's better said that he's the philosophical relief.

First song for me too. I go to the 12" version.


"…both terrified and tender—both optimistic and apocalyptic. Just like Mayfield."

I'm sorry for your loss.

"MacKaye doesn't seem like a guy I'd want to hang out with," Why not? I met him years ago and he was super cool to a bunch of straightedge high school fanboys. Didn't hesitate to take the piss out of us, but managed to do it kindly, gently and with respect.

I'm pretty sure that they didn't really ask for Keith Moon. This is someone's idea of a joke. I can't find anything beyond "Bill Curbishley told the Sunday Times…" and no mention of this on thesundaytimes.co.uk

Yes! The only to come close to being as cool as Mitchum was by being the guy he wanted to drink with.

A grower for me too. This album is my favorite of his "difficult" trilogy. I never took to 22 Dreams. Wake Up the Nation I think I liked mostly because it wasn't 22 Dreams, but I don't find myself going back for a listen anymore. Kling I Klang and Dangerous Age both standout tracks.

That seems unlikely. I'd go so far as to wager against it. I have two shiny quarter dollars that say you will be incorrect.

This was the first DVD I purchased. No regrets.

This earned her even more respect in my book.

I downloaded last night based on these comments. Very good stuff.