

she has her father's eyes. satan's eyes.

"…According to his sworn testimony, the now-convicted murderer Robert Palmer is quoted as having said: 'Killing Laura Palmer was simply irresistible. I had a bad case of loving her. You could say that I was addicted to it. You really got me. Some guys have all the luck.' His sentencing is scheduled for sometime

no taste any fuck

i never even got out of the first level in 'fester's quest.' that game was awful. 'super pitfall' was bad too.

Looking at this picture still makes me horny.
I mean wistful! It makes me wistful!

i've got a qeuestion: what color of novelty testicles adorn the bumper of your truck?

let's talk about joe rogan's monkey hands instead

D-7: i can only prove that i'm 100% positive on two versions. one was on the "Hormoaning" EP and the other was on the "With the Lights Out" boxed set. actually, i think there was also a version of it on a bootleg that i lost about a decade ago, so the existence of this version cannot be confirmed. the song is good.

"Dead Puppies" by Ogden Edsel

Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being colored and for being a person and for being on my time.


but we always listen to funk rock before bed

Ham: that line by Lutz made me laugh harder than anything else in the whole episode. he was making poop!

bill murray in ghostbusters - "it's true: this man has no dick."


where's YOUR LeBaron, Freddy?

more like "this toilet album." "america must be destroyed" and "scumdogs of the universe" are way better. additionally, "violence has arrived" was a great comeback from less-than stellar albums like "we kill everything"

maybe someone should "defuse" this situation instead of "diffusing" it - from the TMZ link: "And sources say … on his way out of the building, Brown confronted a segment producer, got in his face and stared him down. People from the show got in between Chris and the producer to diffuse the situation."

will phil hartman's corpse be in it?