Serious Poster of Serious Post

Wasn't Jesus against divorce? That would suck.

"Cleopatra WAS an egyptian, so she was probably more black than white."

I don't really know what all you other guys are discussing but Emma Stone's wig isn't frizzy at all. It just looks like neatly-styled curly hair.

"apparently dave foley dropped a clip-on microphone into the wine glass of a reporter/journalist that had pissed him off one time. so sayeth someone on the commentaries."

Isn't Jennifer Tilly a Hollywood bombshell?

Bags of homo?

I think this part of the review is pretty silly:
"without placing special emphasis on the parts whose actual meaning would send chills down their spine if they thought about it for a second. "

Oh god I meant that Kanye is better

I dunno, I think Kanye is worse because at least he's not self-righteous

"What is unfortunate is how few directors there are left who make movies that actually are improved by watching them on a big screen. It's much more often the other way."

"Laugh while you can, monkey-boy"

OH HAI. Just wanted to remind everyone that Steinman repurposed "Totale Eclipse of the Heart" as the Big Duet in a German-language vampire musical.

I meant, "Who was the Youtube comment originally about?"

Okay, so who is that comment about?

When they're not trying to use The Game to score with increasingly annoyed women in the cafeteria.

"disgraced Berkeley Chemical Engineers"

In-n-Out has grilled onions and you can order the fries "well done" (extra crispy). Case closed.

I apologize for setting up that joke :(

"Cracked's historical articles are pretty good"

What kind of vowel is a "flat A" supposed to be?