Serious Poster of Serious Post

So, it turns out Terry Gililam says in the commentary for the movie that Dowser originally had lines.

I just want my kids back

Last Days of Disco isn't nearly as good as Barcelona or Metropolitan.

"Apparently Dowser originally HAD lines but Derrick O'Conner found it more amusing to just repeat everything Bob said."

@ Scruffylove

"Why does no one stick up for paraplegics, or people with
shriveled legs, or even just a bad limp when some insensitive person
calls something undesirable 'lame'?"

I'll be honest, I like the shirt as a weird piece of pop art.

I'm late to this discussion, but here's a pretty interesting comic about the artist/writer's memories of going to high school with Dahmer.

It's absolutely worth watching. And this is coming from someone who hates Star Wars.

So you're the person that "sweded" caught on with.

The writers of the new Doctor Who consciously based season 6's arc on that book. It's not at all an adaptation of the book, but it may be interesting to see what they did with that concept.

Well yeah, "She was pretty girl in movies who was involved with some famous men, and died young." When you factor in that she was a top movie star and sex symbol, of course that's enough to inspire intense fascination. Plus, people really dig the icon vs. reality angle.

I think it's that guys who just see women as pussy are misogynists who care way too much about how often they get laid.

But he's so quirky!

The version of the script found here http://www.dailyscript.com/… ends with the McFlys employing a maid named Bertha who calls George "Sir." It doesn't specify that she's black, but based on what jell-o shot said and the character's name, it looks like they were going for a full-on "mammy" caricature. Jesus.

I always saw ads for it in the BART. When I finally went to their website, I got the impression that they focused on corporate entertainment

"2) I hope you're a girl/woman—otherwise you're a gigantic pussy for running with a steak knife."

" does not typecast himself into stereotypically gay acting roles"

Well, not long after I posted I saw that Donna had already addressed the toast in another comment. But then I had to wait hours to make this post because my keyboard wasn't working.

If I can make this the official nitpicking thread… They did have a brief tribute to Bill/Phil in "Retirement." Joe uses his time at the podium to make Bill's signature toast, "Salud." I thought it was done well, since a longer tribute would have overshadowed the rest of the episode.