Serious Poster of Serious Post

He plays a concert every year at the open-air theater on my undergrad campus and the theater is by a bunch of dorms and his concerts are always the loudest of all so in short I think Tom Petty is kind of a dick.

My dad has listened to pretty much nothing but 6 songs by just one band since around the time I was born. Even he admits that it's kind of weird.


"Also, there's no such thing as a 'sociopath.'"

Just to explain the last bit… There are evil, childlike black savages, which is disturbing but pretty much what you'd expect in a book from that period. But on top of that, Tarzan is constantly described as the Best Guy Ever — the strongest, handsomest, smartest, most resourceful, most loyal, most chivalrous, etc. He

"Just make it 100% female fantasy about getting plowed in tropical exotic places by a brooding man."

Everyone knows that Gaga owes a lot to Madonna.

I like my pop with weird monotone robot-voices and bizarre made-up accents.

I'm pretty sure Mr. College was kidding….

Oh, I thought that was some kind of meme.

Why is Sheen glad that Osama is dead? He thinks that the US government took down the WTC and Pentagon.

I had no idea this movie existed until I saw the article here. I thought it was still in development. God, I'm really out of the loop.

"By dehumanizing others, they've dehumanized themselves."

Also, the movie's frame is Seita's ghost, accompanied by Setsuko's ghost, reviewing the events of his life. At various points in the film, you see the ghosts looking at their own past. And you can tell from ghost-Seita's expressions that he knows he messed up.

He reacts to the trauma of the war and his mother's death by retreating into denial, trying to build a fantasy world with his sister. And as conditions get worse, his mental state continues to deteriorate.

Seita leaves his aunt ultimately because he's unable to deal with the reality of the war. And at the same time, the war has made the people callous and unable to help the vulnerable members of society.

"I hated how the female character's descent was her having sex wih a 'scary black man.'"

Actually on second thought, I've never heard of ECT being used like that in the US within the past 2 or 3 decades. The way it's depicted in the film involves huge levels of malpractice, to say the least. Doesn't mean that it can't happen that way, but that was really over the top.

His inability to care for his sister is a big part of the plot.

"Now they are beginning to say the same thing about Requiem. Interesting."