I am not anywhere near as pretty as Wood and I still wouldn't date someone who looks like David Cross.
I am not anywhere near as pretty as Wood and I still wouldn't date someone who looks like David Cross.
I just read the "script to screen" link. It's pretty lame. This person actually liked goth Christina, which is just… stupid. And the writer didn't like that Christina and Sean were already acquainted with each other, which is also a dumb objection because why should she fall for a complete stranger who's acting really…
I had no idea Bowie was an imam.
I read that script. The best part is that the love interest dresses like a mall goth, despite being in her late 20s, and this is supposed to show that she is artistic and non-conformist.
But it's fun to be surprised by a movie. A movie shouldn't depend on the twist, but it's still nice to have that surprise the first time you see it.
Sean I am truly, 100% serious about donating $15 so you can get a basically decent haircut.
"the metaphor there being, now the wife has tamed the wild husband, who will no longer run hot-blooded and free."
Does anyone else think that the lead actor is on the autism spectrum? All the other actors say their lines like they're reading a bedtime story. But his line readings are downright odd, and he never really conveys any kind of emotion.
The Room just makes Wiseau seem like some endlessly creepy guy who thinks that battered women had it coming.
I read The Dead Zone recently. The bad guy is basically Glenn Beck, only he's a politician instead of a TV personality.
Sean O'Neal needs a haircut. I'm dead serious. That is the haircut that high school goths wore in 2003.
Oh shit I just spoiled the ending. Sorry.
Source Code had a happy ending that happened to be set up and hinted at throughout the movie. I'm so upset :(
There's also a fairly successful musical based on the Weekly World News character Bat Boy. There were plans to move it to Broadway, but those were disrupted by some planes flying into the WTC.
Lots of people make little musicals these days based on unusual movies. There's a Silence of the Lambs musical, complete with a song called "I Can Smell Your Cunt."
"Little Satan Great Satan"
I hate the original, but I can't imagine that the remake won't be worse.
"Anyway, I once heard DLR's vocal track from Running With The Devil without any of the music, and damn! That guy can sing."
There's a right way to walk and a wrong way to roll
You can just listen to your soul.
Just remember that life is number one
You could be having so much fun
The video for "Yankee Rose" is Roth at his peak Rockzo-ness.