"I dunno, he seems nice enough. However, he sounds as californian as you can get (to someone who's never set foot on California, at least)"
"I dunno, he seems nice enough. However, he sounds as californian as you can get (to someone who's never set foot on California, at least)"
Finally, an AV Club article that my dad would want to read.
"'I think the chalkboard also says "Bro Guys Killed.'"
You know, I never bothered to read the chalkboard in that photo before. "World Washed in Blood." "Anti-Christ." "Global Gov in Babylon."
"Huh. Okay, I'll let that be the last word, and defer to your greater knowledge in the matter."
I am nothing
You are wind and water and sky
Tell me Jodie how I
Can earn your love
So, I guess I do mean that someone may not be able to learn how to pronounce a certain sound, for love or money. But it has nothing to do with being African American, male, or intelligent.
The way linguists use the word "dialect," it includes accent but additionally includes other aspects of language (like grammar).
Anyway I hope my explanation didn't sound too curt or stuffy. These are really big topics and it's hard to sum them up in a way that's brief, accurate, and accessible.
"each minute facet of language involves a particular part of the brain."
"Two, in what sense can language ability, spoken or written, be definitively excluded from intelligence? The sort of I.Q. tests which are designed to be culture- and language-neutral can be argued to measure g with minimal error. But making the leap to say that g is the only meaningful measure of intelligence is…
"one, I get the impression that 'dialect' is a somewhat fuzzy concept."
The person who died was YOUR wife
Also Smith's character in that movie doesn't speak what I would call Standard American English.
"did not have the minimal intelligence to pronounce "Earth" correctly in a movie where he was playing a role in which his character was speaking standard English is ridiculous."
Occasionally minor cult figures openly post on SA's forums, like Mike Nelson from MST3K or one of the guys from Tokyo Police Club. But the front page articles are just jokes.
From that link: "Shyamalan orders pouchong tea, osmanthus green, and water at exactly 187 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Worth a re-think: http://www.somethingawful.c…"
Crime Stinks: The Smell of Penetration
Xenu is basically the devil in Scientology. The point of Scientology is to undo the evils that Xenu wrought.