Goodbye Mailbox

Any possibility you mentioned him blogging about the stuff people give him,  and he interpreted your intent as "I'm giving this film I made to you, will you plug it on your blog?"

I have long suspected that this is the most phonetically-pleasing sentence it's possible to construct in the English language.

I have long suspected that this is the most phonetically-pleasing sentence it's possible to construct in the English language.

They fought about something stupid, the guy got disproportionately upset, and then the girlfriend became so concerned about his mental health that she came back to be sure he was okay after resolving to stay at her parents'.  Isn't this just a standard case of 'crazy guy was crazy, and then flipped out when called

They fought about something stupid, the guy got disproportionately upset, and then the girlfriend became so concerned about his mental health that she came back to be sure he was okay after resolving to stay at her parents'.  Isn't this just a standard case of 'crazy guy was crazy, and then flipped out when called

Since I'm not getting the reply button on McNutt's reply below: didn't mean that as a criticism of this particular article — I'm actually just curious about the standard methodolgy is.  I assumed someone was rewatching, or multiple parties were rewatching, in order to make these lists, since the TV Club Ten feature

Since I'm not getting the reply button on McNutt's reply below: didn't mean that as a criticism of this particular article — I'm actually just curious about the standard methodolgy is.  I assumed someone was rewatching, or multiple parties were rewatching, in order to make these lists, since the TV Club Ten feature

Wait, you don't watch all of thing before listing the 10 most essential episodes of it?  There were only about 40 hours of Fraggle Rock made, and that's if you include the theme and credits every time.  What are we paying you guys for?

Wait, you don't watch all of thing before listing the 10 most essential episodes of it?  There were only about 40 hours of Fraggle Rock made, and that's if you include the theme and credits every time.  What are we paying you guys for?

Man,  it took me a moment to realize Rabin's response to the sketch about avoiding seeing another man's penis at an airport bathroom ("Because custom dictates that if you accidentally see a stranger’s
penis while urinating next to him, you must then perform oral sex on
said penis, then gay marry its owner in a lavish

Man,  it took me a moment to realize Rabin's response to the sketch about avoiding seeing another man's penis at an airport bathroom ("Because custom dictates that if you accidentally see a stranger’s
penis while urinating next to him, you must then perform oral sex on
said penis, then gay marry its owner in a lavish

Wikipedia informs me it's still in production.  Further facts we must all somehow make our peace with.

Wikipedia informs me it's still in production.  Further facts we must all somehow make our peace with.

Fact:  about three years ago, an episode of Power Rangers had an evil robot approach while whistling Farmer In the Dell in much the same way as occurs both here and in The Wire.  I'm not sure if I should be awarding points to Power Rangers, subtracting them from How I Met Your Mother,  accepting that I missed the memo

Fact:  about three years ago, an episode of Power Rangers had an evil robot approach while whistling Farmer In the Dell in much the same way as occurs both here and in The Wire.  I'm not sure if I should be awarding points to Power Rangers, subtracting them from How I Met Your Mother,  accepting that I missed the memo

I've got just one measure when it comes to Daily Correspondents: ability to get genuinely pissed off about the news.

I've got just one measure when it comes to Daily Correspondents: ability to get genuinely pissed off about the news.

This may be the case — I'm as clueless as most of us as to why we're suddenly using the word "masterful" to describe iCarly— but I don't actually see the AVClub currently rushing to disproportionately cover the dregs of nostalgia culture, or even the likable-to-middling.  Things that are both critical and cult

This may be the case — I'm as clueless as most of us as to why we're suddenly using the word "masterful" to describe iCarly— but I don't actually see the AVClub currently rushing to disproportionately cover the dregs of nostalgia culture, or even the likable-to-middling.  Things that are both critical and cult

I suppose I'd just argue that nearly everybody who watched TV as a kid loved, and is some extent nostalgic about, some pretty mediocre stuff.   Which is fine — not everything needs to be brilliant and cutting edge.  But it's weird to label these sort of shows as especially "memorable" among Nickelodeon shows.