Goodbye Mailbox

I suppose I'd just argue that nearly everybody who watched TV as a kid loved, and is some extent nostalgic about, some pretty mediocre stuff.   Which is fine — not everything needs to be brilliant and cutting edge.  But it's weird to label these sort of shows as especially "memorable" among Nickelodeon shows. 

At risk of starting some sort of "hey, remember the 90s?" thread, do any of these even count, by AVClub list-making standards, as "some of Nickelodeon's most memorable shows"?

At risk of starting some sort of "hey, remember the 90s?" thread, do any of these even count, by AVClub list-making standards, as "some of Nickelodeon's most memorable shows"?

We are apparently in full agreement about everything. Let's be friends!

Greetings from the lunatic fringe
Scott, you mentioned you hoped the diehard fans (Coconuts, if you will) would hop by the comments and ofter you a broader perspective on your thoughts for this week. That sounds a lot like my cue.

I too went into Young Justice with an open mind and came away thinking it was average at best.

You had me until that last line
I resent the assumption that just because I made it to the end of a six paragraph review, this show is for me.

I'm late to this article…
…but I just listened to the WTF podcast, and it would seem the more shocking part of Mr. Foley's interview is not his financial problems but the fact that he's basically describing being victim of ongoing spousal abuse throughout his first marriage. If he's exaggerating, that's just plain

Couldn't we just call it a comedy?
I always thought the stigma attatched the "romantic comedy" label came from the fact that rom coms typically are romantic first and comedic second. In the same way that a sitcom script is a story told in jokes, a romantic comedy is just a love story told in jokes, with said "jokes"

Clive Clemmons showing us some of his favorite inappropriate reactions from everyday life all day long?

I actually tried to purchase…
… the dvd of the Judd Apatow sitcom parody "Yo Teach!" when it was new. I knew it was parody, I and suppose I knew in my heart that the "add it to your cart" button was only there for decorative purposes, but if they'd actually slapped together a few episodes of that for the hell of it

Found a radio station, A.V. Club.
I'm serious.

What annoys me is that the people who always want to omit Robin from various retellings — Nolan included — usually claim there's no way Robin could ever fit in with the darker, more "realistic" Batman they prefer, despite the fact that no one's really tried a less-than-idealistic spin on him. Everyone's cool with

Remind me again
Which one of these guys is blowing Doug Herzog?