Goodbye Mailbox

Double Dare also had kids/families do multiple runs of the obstacle
course for the camera, but in their defense, they basically just gave away the prizes regardless of whether or not anybody "lost" or "won", since the various challenges and obstacles just plain didn't work the way they were supposed to half the time.

I was actually surprised this article focused on the forgettable bros and not the jarringly random inclusion of the sexy Genie.  Maybe if they'd actually bothered to dress her like a genie?  But even then, the ability to record multiple shows isn't an automation feature, exactly, or a clever human interface,  so it's

Forgive me if this is common knowledge, but Google wasn't much help on this: are there actually films in which John Travolta appears but does not, at any point, dance?

I've never been able to get excited about music recommendation services because I've never met one that knows how to cope with my occasional nostalgic or guilty pleasure listen.  It's like they're all determined to give me not the music I want, but the music I deserve.

I'm more bothered that "every kiss" begins with 'E' and not 'K'. 

Wait, the headline was "Franco Declares Himself Mayor of Gay Town" and this isn't a celebrity coming-out story?

Ever notice how many celebrity Scientologists swear the Xenu story is not a real thing and that it's all made-up anti-Scientology propaganda?

Of course they're about music.  They honor excellence in music sales performance. 

But did Jet really rip off Lust for Life?  Or did they just rip off The Strokes ripping off Lust for Life?

I have a friend who once told me about a website that allows you to talk to the angel Sandalphon though a convenient javascript interface.

It's funny, I watched a ton of the Disney Afternoon as a kid, but DuckTales is a show I've never been tempted to revisit; for some reason it always left me cold.  There was possibly just too much odd specificity in the premise for me at that age — Scottish capitalist ducks vs… rival capitalists?  And the globetrotting

You know, the execution of the Brian-Pam plot line might not be working, but at least in theory, the concept makes sense to me: Pam and Jim got together after Pam dumped her unappreciative long-term partner for the nice guy waiting in the wings, more or less.  That's romantic, but guys who are waiting in the wings are

I've been a defender of Jim for a while now — or at least a critic of the whole "Jim is an asshole" argument that I've seen taken to weird extremes pretty much since he won over Pam and stopped being the endearingly loveless loser.  (See also: people who started calling Pam a bitch when she started being a bit more

My greatest hope for the documentary, at this point, is that it will turn out to be organized and privately funded by Creed.  No sane person would film a documentary on spec for nine years with a full crew on the payroll.

'Hokum' comes from the same root as 'hokey'.  It means nonsense, but it implies an old-fashioned, corny, folksy sort of nonsense.  And it comes from theater, so I suppose the idea that bullshit can be enjoyable is built right in. 

@avclub-55aef34e0d62637c23ad60186310cd4d:disqus :  I haven't heard that commentary, but I do know that casting sides on every Joss Whedon show have asked for at least one major character to be plus-sized  (specially Willow from Buffy, Kaylie from Firefly, November from Dollhouse, and Kate from Angel).    The unaired

Indeed, if you want to argue that having a rabid fanbase is evidence that something is good, that means that Twilight is spectacular.  Twilight has conventions and whatnot too.  So does Power Rangers.

@avclub-2586d0717b58d4f4383144ca1341d079:disqus, I accept that.  In fact, I've disliked shows for that very thing.