Career Sergeant Zim

This makes me genuinely sad. I grew up with these guys. They were the soundtrack for my teens and 20's. Both of my kids were rocked to sleep as babies to the sounds of "Find the River." Say what you want to about the quality of their most recent stuff (although I think Collapse Into Now is excellent) but they never

I hope this show has plenty of Dawes jokes.

Harrison Ford's wife is the killer.

I much prefer Posse on Broadway.

Gentlemen is an AMAZING record. Cast my vote for the Whigs too.

My entrance song would be They Might Be Giants' version of "Tubthumping."

Fuck you and your vocal cords Weiland. Just sing through a bullhorn.

Probably better off waiting for the Sweded version.

Lack of porn took down Blockbuster, and now it's taking down Netflix. Get your act together RedBox - I demand to be able to get my groceries and porn at the same place.

Now who will be the homeless man's Arcade Fire?

Did the guy bring his own Fudgesicle?  If he brought his own, then he's kinda on the clock because of the melting factor.  Was it a Fudgesicle brand frozen treat, or a house brand of the local grocery store?  Did he take one from Cage's freezer?

No mention of H8Rade?

Nobody puts Bohdi in a corner.

And Cathouse. And G-String Divas. And Pornocopia. And Real Sex.

Does this mean we're one step closer to an Entourage prequel?

Will Dr. Pepper sponsor the tour?

What thing? That Brooklyn thing?

Even by Entourage standards that was a piece of shit.  Now let us never speak of it again.

Judah Maccabee versus Lord Humungus and Wez? I'd watch that.

Did it hit her on the chin? You'll never get that car right again if you hit her chin. Probably bent the frame and everything.