Career Sergeant Zim

Huge, Mix-a-lot-big, Kardashian-size asses.

No reference to whupping the ass of an animal and/or monster.

Do they still run episodes of Caliente? 'cause that was an amazing show.

Billy Ocean.

Every thread is better when Wesley Willis posts.

I only have eyes for Alexis Arquette.

Everybody wants prosthetic foreheads for their real heads…and I don't think I'd settle for Vincent's prosthetic penis.

My first thought when I saw that picture was "although I am sad that El Vez shaved off his moustache, I am glad to see him getting on MTV."

Calibri is the new Times New Roman.

I thought Charlie Sheen blew out his rotator cuff taking batting practice with the Reds or something.

You go to Hell. You go to Hell and you die. "Mr. Roboto" carries its own weight.

You REALLY seem to have put ALOT of thought into that.

Matthew McConna-whateverthehellhisnameis

Nobody fucks with the Allen Jesus

They should take back Joe Piscopo…and Vanessa Redgrave and Eddie Murphy too.

As long as they leave the O'farrell Theater and Lefty O'doul's alone the apes can have the rest of San Francisco to do with as they please.

Y'know, she was actually sorta kinda hot at one point.

Praise Allah this remake is dead
I couldn't bear the thought of someone else trying to out-Lee-Van-Cleef Lee Van Cleef.

Is he by himself?
Is he just sitting around, maybe after a workout, and he says "I'll think I'll pop over to Disneyland?"