psycho clown

Fully agree. Designers should take more inspiration from something like ADOM (or even Diablo), where the randomness is implemented tastefully and within the framework of a larger setting.

"And, ultimately, both Arrested and Golden are about the conflicts that arise when eccentric people are put in close quarters and simply have to deal with each other."

Well, as long as it doesn't get shot down altogether…

Well, he's still pretty damn great, albeit far more violent and foul-mouthed.

You might enjoy Lucha Underground. It's very American as far as lucha goes, but you could as a starting point and get into Mexican stuff (AAA, CMLL, Lucha Memes) from there.

Fun fact: there are several wrestlers in Mexico currently doing a 'Hijo del Trump' gimmick, and even in the big promotions foreigner get tons of heat for claiming they support Trump.

You know, people are shitting on this column every time a new instalment comes out, but what I'm getting from this is that Hatesong would be amazing if they just linked Deceptacon at the end of every interview.

No Ron Howard? Really shoddy Q&A. Just pure crap.

Man, I can't wait for wrestling to be zeitgeisty again. We deserve to have more silly and dumb things in our lives.

"performing the crowning" might end up the greatest euphemism of the 2010s.

I think we can all agree that the real reason for this trend is that 90% of actresses aren't good, they're just tall.

"Shappening": unfortunate line break or genius neologism to describe the Republican primaries? You decide!

And here I am, still waiting for the second Them Crooked Vultures album. I guess at some point giving up hope is the reasonable reaction.

The curb stomp presents zero risk to the head of the wrestler receiving it. The reason WWE got rid of it is that it looks easy to do and can be dangerous if untrained kids do it.

Man, I was really looking forward to Bryan Danielson vs Blue Panther. It's a shame the WWE style is so hard on the body, in Japan and Mexico you regularly see guys wrestle well into their 50s and Bryan's technical prowess would actually fit in there.

I think you answered your own question here.

It's unlikely that this is going to spark a lot of interest, especially with 'non-lucha-fans that watch Lucha Underground' being a niche within a niche, but if you're interested in lucha libre in general, Dragon Lee and Kamaitachi (who might legitimately be the best wrestlers in the world right now) had a strong

Is equating the advancement of feminism with rich white actresses a thing now? I'm so out of the loop…