psycho clown

The omission of Ellie Kemper angers and confuses me.

Being the pop-culture-oblivious dork that I am, I missed out on the Star Wars movies until I was 18, then watched all of them in one go over one particularly drunk weekend.

I'll have to echo Marah's praise for SK's live shows. I was absolutely blown away by their raw energy, especially after they each did their own thing for so long. Crazy that every night you could go out and see bands that are almost 20 years younger, who don't come close to rocking the house as they did in Dublin.

Titus Andronicus: You don't have to be popular, find out who your true friends are!

I went into this because Macbeth is my second favorite Shakespeare, and of course Fassbender, but yes, C+ seems fair. The issue I had with the film isn't the emphasis on violence, but the almost jarring disconnect between the more stylized outdoor shots, and the dialogue scenes, which are done in too plain of a way

The bass line in 'the old man's back again' is sexier than most of the people I know.

When I started my math degree, I was just about overwhelmed by the amount of abstraction and actual deep thinking you have to do (or learn how to do at least). Our homework for the week was due on Thursdays at 7 am, leading to many a wintery night spent at the desk, working out problems and trying to make sense of the

So do you guys think that if I get one of those now, it'll keep until St. Patrick's Day? I have a costume idea in mind that should cause quite a splash.

Yes, but where did they rank the darkness that lurks in the hearts of men? Probably would have to be somewhere around #10, cause turning to stone? Real fucking scary.

I feel improbably amazed by this. Invalidating the significance of an entire series of the books that made you filthy rich just to win an internet argument has to be one of the greatest/craziest/most audacious things an author has done in a long time.

Sadly, there's no DVD set out yet and the show isn't on any streaming service. There was a Youtube playlist with all the episodes in good quality circulating for a while, but that seems to have been taken down. Since the financing seems to be secure for season 2, I'd expect a box set to come out eventually. Until

Can I just say how happy I am Block&Tackle is back? Thanks for doing this, for the hardcore fans and for the people who enjoy reading humourous collumns about a sport they don't watch.

I'd be down with fashion fiend Bull Dempsey, if only because I'd say his problem is less his look, which is at least somewhat unique, but his lack of any character. He could be a pretty good undercard guy, the backlash against him is, in my opinion, the result of him getting pushed as some sort of unstoppable monster

At this point I'm pretty sure they chose the wrong guy out of Bull Dempsey and Baron Corbin. Corbin might actually be regressing, whereas Bull would at least offer something different from most other competitors, even if he'd never get anywhere close to a title reign. But then, if they really didn't see anything in

Sal never really had that interesting of a character, but I absolutely loved the dinner he and his wife had with Ken. It would've been easy to do more with that, and the actor was really good too, so I wouldn't have minded Sal popping up again.

If Weezer was anyone's favourite band, they'd definitely have to be mentioned here. I don't even know which one I think is worse, the one with the flying dog or the one with the Lost guy.

I'm not angry about it or anything, but it is funny to me how back then everyone thought the gun would turn out to be a hugely important prop, only for it to… well, just disappear? Well, he has his plane as a penis substitute now.

So when that account manager somewhat sourly told Peggy to go complain to a higher up if she's unhappy, was that an indication that rumours of Joan's odyssee have already circulated in the agency? If former SC&P employees are regarded as damaged goods at McCann, Peggy's future might not look quite as bright as she

I didn't enjoy this episode as much as the last one, but then, beginnings are always better than endings, or at least Don would believe so. The phone conversation he had with Betty was great, although I'm a little disappointed that she seemed to cast aside Henry fairly quickly.

One thing I do think the first season does better than others is the almost glacial speed at which some conversations go forward. Mad Men has always been accused of being a slow show, but in the later seasons, particularly 4 and 5, I wouldn't really say that anymore, and it feels like the storytelling happens at the