psycho clown

Well, frankly, you'd have to completely ignore the context and especially the musical arrangement to think it's a subtle moment of characterization.

I've wanted to try turtle since reading Robinson Crusoe as a kid, but as far as I can tell it's not that popular in Europe either. Maybe Southern France…

Yeah, I realized that, and it's only a very minor gripe, but it's still Lynch's deliberate artistic choice to leave the sign there.

Much in this episode was way too on-the-nose for me. The over-the-top melodrama at the very start undercut the emotional impact of Ed and Norma finally getting together, and a long-running plot point like this resolving itself in a neat and tidy ten minutes was too soapy for even me to bear. Even the big CONVENIENCE

Nice strawman.

I don't mind adventurer Scrooge, but him stick-fencing with the nephews is a step too far imo, he's a much more interesting character if he retains some of the harder edges of the Barks/Rosa portrayals.

Over here in Europe we get mostly Italian Disney stuff, and even there Mickey does detective/adventure stories for the most part and is an annoying, know-it-all Mary Sue. Donald is much more human and relatable.

Well now I feel like an inattentive viewer. What spear?

I dig the art style, but the majority of the writing in the first episode failed to land for me - if you're going to do a beat-by-beat retelling of Don Rosa's The Richest Duck In The World, you should emphasize Scrooge's misanthropic aspects a little more. Do the costume change too - it really helps make the nephews'

I remember hating that show so much because I never could think of Chip 'n Dale as anything but those two giant jerks who kept tormenting poor Donald (so I took my idea of Donald from contemporary works where he's a sympathetic character, but of the chipmunks from those much older shorts - it doesn't make a lot of

Nice, although I'm sure everyone expected this. The show has to be absurdly cheap to film.

But I already watched the new Twin Peaks today…

I mean, whether you were into it or not, James' whole thing always was he was still a child in many ways, and that Laura's death just destroyed him as a person. His attempts to solve the case with Donna and Maddy go nowhere, and his desperate attempts to latch on to someone new romantically end in a second person

Janey-E gently nudges Dougie out of the car

Is she funny or something?

Yeah, weekly coverage of a show with what, 100 000 viewers, was never going to get off the ground.

…Great Job, Genetics?

Tell me you wouldn't want to see Lucha Underground (or CMLL Fridays, but that's more of an obsession of mine) get weekly coverage here.

Would've preferred if some actually good wrestling shows got coverage instead, but I totally understand getting rid of writing about 5 hours of garbage a week.

Twin Peaks usually hasn't had a lot of trouble incorporating bad actors, partly because Lynch intentionally directs a lot of more or less wooden/stilted performances. This week, however, I thought Fenn's scene highlighted her limits in an uncomfortable way. It didn't help that her lines felt like something out of a