That Guy That Did That Thing T

Nonetheless, he has an Oscar, and you don't. The world isn't fair. Move on.

I disagree. Whatever's about three levels worse than terrible — that's what it was.

Indeed. Pity their "music" blows greasy gray chunks.

Nah, O'Neal's good. Pumped up on HGH, but good.

Not solely — I think she's hot mostly because of SNL and Away We Go.

Wait, TJB — are you implying that the Smurfs are NOT al-Qaeda spies?

Santorum is, admittedly, a used douchenozzle. Whereas Savage is Exhibit A if you're trying to support the adage "you are what you eat."

"… that Jews in the forest one" — are you referring to Rabbis & White Supremacists?

Freddy vs. Jas … wait, that one's been done?
Okay … Monsters vs. Alie … that one too? As a CARTOON?!?
All right, Pride & Prejudice and Zomb …

Daniel Radcliffe, Anne Hathaway, Michael Cera and Donald Sutherland have already been announced for SCRABBLE: The Motion Picture. They're shooting for a summer 2013 release.

… to finally have sex. With a girl.


If that's true, Hulk, I hope Zac Efron appreciates how lucky he is.

I'm Katherine Heigl's body double. We're the same cup size.

Beals is in her 40s, and yes, does look amazing.

William Brennan, bitches.

Liked him and his rants in Crash. "C'mon, this is America! Time is money!"

Crash was a very good film.

Larry the Cable Guy is a real-life person who's ALSO a cartoon. In both senses.

Big question:
Who plays Phil the Showkiller?