That Guy That Did That Thing T

I was just intrigued enough by the plot of this film that (despite Mel Gibson's general assholery) I was considering adding it to the Netflix queue …

Same here.  Dang, now I have to think up a new one … grumble, grumble, whine …

As far as audio catnip, Journey and REO had NOTHING on Air Supply.  Girls would deliquesce after eight bars of Air Supply.

And Rod freaking Stewart every fifth video, because he had been making videos for every damn song he'd recorded for years while Duran Duran was still using their allowance money for zit cream.

But still very popular among Midwesterners. Possibly because Steve Perry was originally from Sacramento, the Des Moines of the Pacific.


The Great Musical Genius Lou Reed, Backed by 4 Middle-Aged Douchebags, One of Whom Stole Matt Damon's Girlfriend.

Best part was the "Netflix implant" line. Dang, I want me one of those!

Yeah, but Ellison is known for being A dick, so close enough.

Her role in The Dark Knight has to count for some kind of pseudo-bestiality, right? Please?

The old bag's just jealous.

Johnny Depp and a Botox-bloated, silicone-propped, increasingly unpalatable Angelina Jolie in The Tourist.

Agreed, Murray. The book was good, not great — better on concepts than plot or character development, which is what you'd expect from a nonfiction science writer taking his first stab at a novel.

The problem with Adam Scott/Amy Poehler is that Adam is the prettier one. But then, same with SJP/Matthew Broderick, so whatever.

Most unrealistic couple, without a doubt: Maya Rudolph and Paul Thomas Anderson.

Lemur beat me to it. Darn you, Lemur. Darn you to the hot place.

Register first, troll-boy. Then you can get all bitter about other posters.

So they would be ardent, humorless socialists? 'Cause I'm pretty sure "the very tenents for which Mick's supergroup stands/sings/whatever" are screwing around and making boatloads of cash.

I'm waiting for Dave Stewart to collaborate again with Bob Welch and Dennis Eckersley.

More Jew's harp, guisitar and EWI too.