
It's quite good, really. In my opinion the third song and the final two are as good as Radiohead, and the others range from good to boring. Undoubtedly the kind of thing you have to listen to multiple times to properly enjoy, but I'd say it's worth the money, as the highs are quite high.

Is the sex really unsimulated? I've never heard that before this article.

Hope you don't mind if I steal "that chapped my ass" from you

I really dislike the fact that awesome mummified alien elephant skull thing from Alien was revealed to just be a helmet that LOOKED like a mummified alien elephant skull and contained a large albino man.

Prometheus 2 also doesn't need to be made.

I always thought it was weird there's no blood in those Nolan movies. I mean even the first Spider-Man had some blood in it. The Joker shoves a pencil into a man's face and slices Michael Jai White's face open so hard it instantly kills him, but there's no blood??

Well said; that is all you need. Sadly it won't stop people from repeating the same thing over and over for sll of time until all emotional impact has been sucked from the moment.

The second half is way better than the first. It's awesome how so many of his songs become almost completely different halfway through. Love when songs do that.

A- is what I'd rate it too; awesome album, but I just know the very best of the new shit is yet to come from Aphex.

That actually happened in the first Avengers, didn't it?

I actually really liked Ronan's total seriousness. He bathed in Xandarian blood! Worked much better than their other villains, who were just grim and straight faced in a boring way.

Well put!

It was just so wonderfully subtle in a way this show hasn't been for years. I wish we didn't have to suffer through all the shitty CGI dinosaurs in shitty CGI Victorian London with a bunch of kooky one-note side characters to get to the good stuff.

It looked like a weird little old man or something. Shades of Don't Look Now.

Yeah, I loved the fact it wasn't in the least bit self-important or overly "epic" in the way this show often attempts to be. It was a very quiet and very small story, but more profound and resonant than a thousand exploding Daleks or quirky side characters. And I was so happy when I realised they were never going to

Best episode in years. It sucks because I was ready to just drop this show after strongly disliking the first two of this season, but then I saw the leaked version of this and bloody loved it, and now it's pulled me right back in again. Ah well. It was just as great the second time round! Terrific work, all involved.

He's weirder than Gillan. I know he was in Lost River, Ryan Gosling's directorial debut that has been totally, completely destroyed by critics.

God, I hate the way Ace calls him "Professor".

The pacing was great. I liked the fact that we had brief scenes NOT featuring either Clara or The Doctor, like the Sheriff's introductory scene. Got the story moving very naturally. We don't get scenes like that often, do we?

Yeah, he even did the Pertwee pose afterwards.