
The Joker in that book is just… completely horrible. I can barely look at his face, it's so terrifying.

After the recent AV Club feature about Daft Punk I decided to finally check out Random Access Memories properly. At the time of its release I was fairly put off by Get Lucky's ubiquity and was just generally less familiar with the group than I am now, but listening to it non-stop over the past few days has really

I've been on a total Bjork binge recently. Finally got round to properly listening to Vulnurica (I still don't love it, though) and literally moments ago I watched Dancer in the Dark for the first time (I did sort of love this). Also found this today: https://www.youtube.com/wat… I love Bjork.

The camera lingered on that woman's awesome wrinkled face the way it would on Clint Eastwood's, or a particularly badass car chase. EVERYTHING in Mad Max was so badass.

Great comment. I do resent the idea that violence is a male thing rather than something which both genders can find fascinating, particularly on the big screen. If Fury Road isn't feminist because it's so violent, are all action movies non-feminist? I was confused by this part of her argument.

I like that. It's definitely significant that Max only begins to respond to Furiosa in a non-violent way when she demonstrates that she respects him as a human - "You want that thing off your face?" - rather than treating him like an animal as Joe's crew did.

I had the same thing when I started to get really into the Beatles. So many little riffs and melodies that felt very familiar - I couldn't believe how many times I had to go "This was them, too?!" I still don't really know if it's because I'd heard them before and forgotten it, or if Lennon and McCartney had somehow

I feel like the image of him embracing Hannibal in order to throw them both off a cliff is the ultimate representation of Will's character. He finally, fully accepts that part of him is monstrous, and also accepts that this is unacceptable.

My favourite idea, and the most likely in my opinion, is that Will and Hannibal were preparing to go into the other room where Bedelia was waiting (those two having kidnapped her) right before Dolarhyde took his shot. They were dressed all nice, and were opening a bottle of wine. Plus there were two spare seats at

Holy shit. That makes me so sad because that would literally be perfect.

Damn, I was already excited for this based on Ejiofor and Swinton's involvement alone, but add a little Mads to the equation and you have a cast that demands to be ogled respectfully, on the big screen. Also, I am totally in love with Mads Mikkelsen. I mean, my God. Everybody look at this photo of him: http://vignette1

The strangest thing for me was the fact that an old abandoned swimming pool is not only still filled with clean water, but has electric sockets all around the edges of it. And working electricity.

Avoid it. I watched it for some reason recently… it was not good.

Mads Mikkelsen's face is a work of art, man. When he wants to, and the lighting is right, he can make his face look like Death, as when he slurped the lip.

"The Milhouse of Hannibal". Perfect.

She is SO cute! My one regret is her and Armitage only got the one sex scene… a man can dream though

The little end scene with Francis and Reba was so upsetting. He's so fucking deluded (the way he pauses before finding the word "being" to describe himself… even he doesn't really believe his own bullshit) and she's so lovely and honest, and only a couple of episodes ago they were falling in love… Wesley nailed the

I think this was probably the main reason. Building up to this episode, I was just wondering how they're going to do this iconic scene since it just doesn't make sense with this version of Freddy, and wouldn't really hit home the way it needs to. Using Chilton was inspired, and I'm pretty shocked nobody really

I feel so bad for Will. Dancy was behaving very much like William Petersen in Manhunter tonight. He seemed constantly on the verge of a total breakdown. I loved his subdued reaction to seeing Chilton all burned up. He's almost completely numb to it all at this point.

This show's creators are highly aware of the absurdity and OTT nature of it all, and I'm sure they take great delight in any opportunity to undercut it with some silliness (like Hannibal gobbling up the lip). It's such a trademark Fuller move.