

I already gave it, and a resource. Did you bother looking? The Wikipedia page links to a trove of resources on the topic.

"The AGW hypothesis has been falsified".

If you don't think the Wikipedia page is accurate then fine, do some research yourself. There are many, many resources online to investigate.

The poll you site is silly as discussed by other people in the thread.

Yeah, good point.

Its a very persistent myth that i feel U.S. citizens have an obligation to point out when they see it. Mainly because it is used to justify mass murder and crimes against humanity.

I think it does, but okay.

You gave two good examples, but the list is massive. Here is the Wikipedia page for it.

Tons of information on this, a quick internet search will bring up lots of data. Here's a Wikipedia page that lists out non-democratic regimes supported by the U.S.

The myth that the U.S. government supports democracies is so pernicious that it shows up in a review of a Game of Thrones episode. That is some impressive indoctrination.

Believing is in the belief of the believer. One cannot logically believe a belief based on beliefs believed by another believer. Belief belief believe belief believe

Do you think Cosmos should have to present creationist arguments or flat earth arguments? What about arguments about why the big bang may not have happened or flaws in the theory? The science for AGW is overwhelming and this show seems to be past the education phase and more about the action/activism phase.

HDB, I hope you would admit that life experience forms a significant amount of ones ideas and philosophy. If you agree with this, it is easy to understand why a white male who is in a position of privilege might want to preface his opinions about a group of people he believes are oppressed.

It depends on the context of the situation. It reminds me of the radical capitalist argument that if you consent to exploitation and wage slavery through contract then it is totally fine even though it can be horribly exploitative.

So, based on this argument, you would be ok with restrictions on porn? This seems to contradict your previous posts, but its nice to see you embrace a little grey instead of yelling about the KKK or whatever.

Again with the guilt by association. Your arguments are poorly thought out and appeal to prejudiced, narrow minded thinking.

drdarke, you seem way to interested in labels. It's not really relevant to the truth of an argument if the religious right also agrees with it. Hitler was a vegetarian, does that mean I shouldn't be a vegetarian? I agree with Ron Paul on certain issues, conservatives on others, and communists on some.

The puritanical liberals are worse than a lot of conservatives or leftists on issues of free speech. I think the only consistent political ideologies in regards to free speech and authoritarianism are the different strains of Anarchism (not counting self described Anarcho-Capitalists, that's just a contradiction of