
I totally agree with your take on Primer.  The time travel elements were interesting and fun even though it took some work to figure out what exactly was going on.  The real issues were the characters motivations and the lack of any sort of emotional hook.

Thanks for the condescension, but the movie you just described would not be easy to make although I think it would be a must see.

I disagree, I think Greenwald is one of the only fair and objective analysts working in the media today, and I'm not a hippie at all.

Or the aliens were saying,"this is where you were created."

Or the aliens were saying,"this is where you were created."

Yes, very arcade-y, this franchise is like the Transformers of video games. Feels like Michael Bay directed this shit. How did Uncharted get a C and this get an A?  AV club has a very difficult time reviewing games. 

Yes, fighting for independence in a revolution is exactly like raping and chopping up 12 year old girls.

"Go back to IGN." "AV Club Rules! IGN Sucks!"

Totally agree with you biznart, and if you want to control a "staggering stew-bum" then Nico Bellic is your man.  Same goes for Red Dead and the Euphoric physics system in general.

No need to get personal on Badass. He was just making the obvious point that all shooting games involve, you guessed it, shooting. When you start calling people Asperger neckbeards it just reinforces the cliche that all AV Club members are douchebag hipsters that only know irony and sarcasm.